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Can drinking more water help you lose weight?

  Can drinking more water help you lose weight? Our body is made up of 60% water, which is essential for carrying nutrients and oxygen to ...


Can drinking more water help you lose weight?

Our body is made up of 60% water, which is essential for carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells, regulating body temperature, and lubricating joints, amongst many other functions. The fact is, a human body can go weeks without food but not water.

In the absence of adequate water, the body gets dehydrated, which leads to unclear thinking, mood swings, and overheating of the body. It may even lead to constipation and kidney stones.

How much water should you be drinking?

As per (NAM) the National Academy of Medicine in the United States, 2,700 mL/day for adult women and 3,700 mL/day for adult men is the average recommendation. In addition, the amount of water to be consumed depends on various factors such as:

  •       Age
  •       Physical activity
  •       Health status like fever, diarrhea 
  •       Climate

But water does more than quench thirst and prevent dehydration. It can help you drop some weight too! Ain't that exciting?

Let's look at the reasons how water, a non-calorie product, creates magic when it comes to weight loss! 

How will water help you lose weight?

1- Water is a natural appetite suppressant

Most of the time, the signal for thirst presents itself as hunger. So make sure you drink a glass of water whenever you feel hungry. The hunger pangs will start to settle once you down a glass of water. This stretches the stomach signaling your brain that it is full, in turn, decreasing your appetite.

Similarly, consuming one or two glasses of water before meals helps decrease the amount of food you consume. Lesser food intake means lesser calorie intake, which will eventually help with weight loss.

2- The body needs water to burn fat

Every cell of the body requires water to carry on its bodily processes. And adequate water intake helps in increasing lipolysis. Lipolysis is the process by which the body burns fat to produce energy.

Studies have shown that mild dehydration may cause a drop in lipolysis. A dip in lipolysis will hamper the process of fat burning, thus reducing the speed at which you lose weight.

Another great way to burn fat consistently is by performing a low intensity on a home exercise bike with arms or a manual treadmill.

3- Water helps remove toxins and waste from the body

The liver is where the cleansing of all toxins occurs, while the kidney helps eliminate these toxins via urine. But sooner or later, its ability to detox efficiently becomes impaired due to continual loading. Conversely, when the body is adequately hydrated, we see healthy liver and kidney function, maintaining overall health.

The better hydrated the body is, the easier it is to flush toxins out and avoid build-up. It also allows the liver to metabolize fats better and provide a burst of energy required to get on with the day.

4- Drinking water can reduce overall liquid calorie intake

Fruit juices or carbonated beverages are high in calories which, when consumed in large quantities, lead to weight gain. So, switching to water would be an intelligent choice instead of higher-calorie drinks when you want to lose weight.

Also, avoid consuming excessive sweetened tea or coffee. It will help reduce your overall calorie intake and prevent dehydration, as coffee and tea have a mild diuretic effect.

Other health benefits of drinking water

Since our bodies are made up of 60% water, the weight loss process is not the only one affected by improper hydration.

1- Water helps to reduce stress

When you're dehydrated, symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, and confusion may arise. The dehydration may also lead to sleepiness, reduced alertness, and an increase in the body's production of cortisol - the stress hormone. And we are well aware that increased stress levels hinder the process of weight loss by changing the appetite and rate of metabolism.

2- Water boosts your brainpower

The brain is composed of 73% water. So, even the slightest dehydration may lead to changes in the way your brain works. Especially the tasks that require attention, cognitive functions, physical movement, and immediate memory skills. So fuel your brain well!

3- Water regulates blood pressure

The reason that the blood flows seamlessly in our body is because of water. Suppose there is a dip in the water levels in the body, the blood composition changes to being thicker, which makes it difficult for the blood to flow quickly. Thus, this additional stress on the heart causes the blood pressure to rise. So, please drink ample amounts of water to keep your heart pumping right.


Tips to Drink More Water

 Below are some simple and useful tips that will help you drink more water regularly.

      Choose water over high-calorie drinks.

      Infuse water with fruits to help improve the taste.

      Place a bottle on your working table or in each room to be reminded to drink water whenever you see the bottle.

      Consume more soups and liquid-rich meals, such as smoothies.

      Consume high water content fruits and vegetables like berries, grapes, melons, tomatoes, celery, and cucumbers.

      Drink more water when exercising.


As discussed above, drinking water may facilitate weight loss and encourage other positive health outcomes. But this will only form one part of your weight loss journey. Along with drinking water, there should be calorie restriction and adequate physical activity to see a significant change in weight. Use a magnetic resistance spin bike to get in a fun and quick workout in the comfort of your home or gym. 


Author Info: By

Healthy and Khush is a blog dedicated to sharing science-based tips and hacks that will help you lose weight and keep it off.