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36 things we take for granted, every day!

​ 'Take for granted' in the sense that we don't notice, acknowledge, enjoy these things fully, and even complain about ...

'Take for granted' in the sense that we don't notice, acknowledge, enjoy these things fully, and even complain about sometimes…
  1. Waking up alive in the morning – thousands die every day
  2. Seeing everyone else in the family also waking up alive and safe – no disasters
  3. Having running water for brushing and shower – millions in the world don't
  4. Having a choice of hot or cold or warm water for shower
  5. Wearing nice clothes, with lots of choices and matching shoes and bag and jewelry
  6. Eating breakfast and other meals – millions are starving to death
  7. A job to go to – how many are jobless in your city/country?
  8. A car, Cycle, Motor-bike or other means of transport that allows you to get to work on time
  9. Traffic that keeps moving
  10. Weather that's live-able – would you rather be at the poles or Sahara?
  11. People trusting you with their problems at work
  12. Appliances and technology that (seem to) make life easier – imagine life without a microwave, washing machine, mobile phone, computer…
  13. Stable electricity – many places have daily power cuts
  14. Getting paid on time
  15. Our ability to see, hear, taste, touch, read, write, think, walk, talk, work, pray, love…
  16. Our education, knowledge, skills, experience, values…
  17. Having a home with furnishing and comforts
  18. Someone waiting for you at home, someone to wait for
  19. Someone that loves you, someone you love
  20. Kids – so what if they are not like us
  21. Friends, and people who care about you, people you care about
  22. Home-cooked meal
  23. Enough clothes to change a couple of times within a day
  24. The air we breathe, water we drink, the variety of food we eat
  25. Money in the pocket, money in the bank  – millions live under $1 per day
  26. Newspapers, magazines and books to read
  27. Games to play
  28. Clubhouse or gym to workout
  29. Parents – they are the reason for our being
  30. Good health and fitness – thousands of hospitals in the world full of millions of sick
  31. Functioning government
  32. Good school for kids
  33. Weekends, public holidays
  34. Faith, religion, beliefs and values. Faith in God is a must for positive things to happen in your life.
  35. Nice bed to sleep in, pillows, blankets, reading lamp, alarm clock…
  36. Trees, flowers, sunrise, sunset, stars, moon, sea, mountain, rivers, breeze…
How different would our days (and therefore life) be if we noticed, acknowledged, enjoyed and were grateful for even half the things we take for granted every day? Would we be happier, more cheerful and have more enthusiasm? Would we complain less?
Right now, I am grateful for the long battery life on my mac, the comfortable sofa, the cushion on my lap absorbing the heat from the notebook, the lamp, the cool breeze from the window, the family sleeping quietly, the calm of the morning (4 AM), WordPress, Facebook, people who ask me when they don't see a new post on my blog… a fridge full of stuff, mostly healthy!

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