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9 Challenging Riddles!

​ Give your brain a work out with  these difficult riddles.  Our tip - Think outside the box! Riddles 1. A man b...

Give your brain a work out with 
these difficult riddles. 
Our tip - Think outside the box!


1. A man buys a used car. 
He finds a beautiful Buick for $9,500, 
but he buys it without paying a dime. 
How does he buy it?

 2. If you have two twins, 
three triplets and four quadruplets, 
how many people do you have?

3. What is the coolest letter 
in the alphabet?

4. A truck driver is going opposite of 
the traffic on a one-way street. 
A police officer sees him but doesn't 
stop him. Why doesn't the police officer
 stop him?

5. Which creature walks on four legs 
in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, 
and three legs in the evening?

6. What work can one never finish?

7. A man who lives on the tenth floor 
takes the elevator down to the first floor 
every morning and goes to work. 
In the evening, when he comes back, 
on a rainy day, or if there are other 
people in the elevator, he goes to 
his floor directly. 
Otherwise, he goes to the seventh floor and
 walks up three flights of stairs to
 his apartment. 

8. A man is pushed out of an airplane, 
without a parachute. 
How was he able to survive? 

9. Lives without a body, hears without ears, 
speaks without a mouth, to which 
the air alone gives birth. 
What is it?

Ans.1- If he is paying $9500, 
he won't need any dimes.

Ans.2 - 9. Two twins are 2 people, 
three triplets are 3 people, and four 
quadruplets are 4 people. 2 + 3 + 4= 9.

Ans.3 - 'B' because it is always surrounded by AC. 

Ans.4 - He was walking.

Ans.5 -Man. He crawls on all fours as 
a baby, then walks on two feet as an 
adult, and then walks with a cane as an old man.

 Ans.6 - An autobiography.

Ans.7 - The man is short of stature. 
He can't reach the upper elevator buttons,
 but he can push on it with his umbrella
 on a rainy day. 

Ans.8 - The airplane was on the runway.

Ans.9 - An echo. 


What's Your Riddler Rank?

0:  Back to riddle school with you! 
Next time, try and think a bit more 
outside the box, we know you can do it!

1-3: You're a novice riddler, 
who still misses most but is starting to
 grasp the basics of riddling. 

4-6: You're a riddler in the making, 
no doubt about it! 
Your ability to think outside the conventional 
answers is quite impressive, good for you!

7-9: Are you some kind of super riddler? 
How did you DO that??
 We take our respective hats off 
before your mighty riddling powers, and
 can only hope you can teach us your clever, 
clever ways.