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Finding The Right Vehicle For Your Business In 10 Minutes Or Less

  Ninety percent of highway collisions are a result of poor driver behavior. In fact, business vehicle incidents cost U.S. employers an...

Ninety percent of highway collisions are a result of poor driver behavior. In fact, business vehicle incidents cost U.S. employers an average of $25 billion per year, according to the CDC Foundation. Thus, ambitious small businesses will sell their car and opt for bikes or the Vespa route.
When choosing the right vehicle for your business, there are plenty of options available as cars come in all shapes and sizes – with various price points. You can go with a large delivery van if your company relies on delivery or sales or go the economical route with a compact brand. So, with so many things to consider, here’s how to find the right vehicle for your business in 10 minutes or less.
Determine its intended use
The most important thing to consider is the intended use of the vehicle. Avoid looking into any specific manufacturer or brand that limits your choices. Instead, focus on the features and capabilities, such as its size style and carrying capacity. What do you plan to use the vehicle for? What types of supplies, equipment, or products will your vehicle carry? For example, a large SUV or pick-up truck is essential to loading heavy items and easier access to cargo. Meanwhile, a 4WD will cover long distances and everyday commute.
Meeting the standards
Selecting the right engine and fuel type for your vehicle is vital to the initial cost and cost of operation. Choose to improve your fuel economy, curb your emissions, boost your company’s sustainability initiatives, and reduce overall costs. In addition, you will also have to decide between using a gasoline or diesel engine. Consider the best type of engine for your business vehicle by researching the pros and cons, and cross-reference against your brand’s requirements.
Stay safe and flexible
Did you know that 19% of employees consider a company vehicle as a deciding factor when taking a job? Not only is employee satisfaction essential to customer satisfaction, but also the efficiency and durability of the vehicle. Thus, take note of what your employees suggest and work within the demands for comfort, safety, and convenience.  
Ultimately, every business has their set of requirements – some choose vehicles that match their company’s morals of fuel efficiency and low emissions. Others care about reliability, space, and high potential resale value. The most important factor is how the vehicle matches your own business needs. After all, it’s not just the employees that represent your brand, but how your services perform as well.