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Managing Mood Swings

By Junaid Tahir Throughout the day, you may experience a range of emotions depending on your circumstances. You might feel happy, sad, irrit...

By Junaid Tahir

Throughout the day, you may experience a range of emotions depending on your circumstances. You might feel happy, sad, irritated, annoyed, stressed, depressed, cheerful, or angry at different moments. While everyone around you appreciates your happiness, frequent mood swings involving irritation, annoyance, sadness, anger, reactivity, or stubbornness can be challenging for others to handle. These swift mood changes can make your personality unpredictable, and the more unpredictable you become, the more likely you are to lose respect among friends, family, and colleagues.

How to Control Mood Swings

Here are some strategies to help you manage mood swings:

  1. Identify Triggers: Analyze what triggers your mood swings. Is it an event, a comment, an action, or the presence of a particular person? Once identified, work on resolving the problem or learning to accept it.

  2. Respect Individuality: Understand that everyone is unique in their thinking and actions. You cannot force people to adopt your way of thinking or living. Relax and give respect to earn respect. Remember, it takes two hands to clap.

  3. Write Down Triggers: Writing down your triggers can help you realize that your problems may not be as significant as they seem.

  4. Communicate: Discuss your issues with the relevant person and seek a solution. Be flexible and open to the possibility that you might be wrong in your demands. Approach the conversation with honesty, analysis, and logic.

  5. Observe Others: Pay attention to how others react in different circumstances. Identify a mentor you can follow, or learn from everyone around you as everyone has something valuable to teach.

  6. Avoid Stress: The more stress you take, the more you lose control over your emotions and become unpredictable. Managing stress effectively can help you maintain emotional stability. For more tips, read my articles on stress management here and here.

  7. Develop Trust: Building trust in your relationships helps people feel more comfortable interacting with you.


Controlling mood swings requires self-awareness, respect for others, and effective communication. By identifying your triggers, respecting the individuality of others, and managing stress, you can improve your emotional stability and maintain positive relationships.