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Who are Consultants? What Qualities do they Possess?

By Junaid Tahir Management consultants help organizations to improve their business index in terms of better performance, higher custome...

By Junaid Tahir

Management consultants help organizations to improve their business index in terms of better performance, higher customer satisfaction, healthier practices implementation, tweaking strategies and management paradigms, enhanced skill sets of team members, concrete grip on internal process flows, and identifying the key areas where improvements are required to be implemented. Below is the list of specific traits management consultants are required to possess:

C-Competent – They are up to date with the industry. They are competent enough to understand the problems their client is facing. They have specialized soft and hard tools to ensure thorough audits and ensure continuous improvement.

O-Organized – They understand that staying organized helps in many ways in terms of time-saving, avoiding panic situations, better customer satisfaction, and so on. They ensure the accessibility of information by keeping documentation, processes, and data arranged.

N-Niche Specialist – They are specialists in the domain. With thorough knowledge, deep-level wisdom, and being in sync with industry activities, they ensure they are on top of it when their customers engage them in any sort of discussion related to the niche.

S-Supportive – The consultants help ensure the implementation and governance of processes and recommendations based on their audit and analysis. They understand that their customers' success is their success, so they strive to support their customers in anything that might help cause improvement in the business domain.

U-Unbiased – With their focus on overall improvement and belief in the supremacy of policies, they ensure they are not biased toward any person. They take into account the sensitivity of the stance taken by different stakeholders.

L-Listeners – They understand that effective listening is part of effective communication. They are empathic listeners, understanding the core of the challenges with the belief in the philosophy of 'customer comes first.'

T-Trustworthy – Winning targets is easy; winning customers/people is tough. By becoming trustworthy, consultants make their place in the hearts and minds of their customers, developing permanent long-term relationships that are mutually beneficial for both parties. They develop trust through consistent candid behavior, empathic listening, giving the right advice, fairly judging people, and eventually treating them fairly.

A-Analytical – This is the most critical skill all consultants must have. The prime purpose of analyzing any given situation is to identify the root cause(s) of the issue, forecast the impact, and plan a corrective/preventive action strategy. Analytical skill involves visualizing a given situation, task, project, or issue from several angles to break it down into smaller steps. They consider the situation from multiple angles, including statistical, financial, operational, and social perspectives, to come up with the most effective recommendations.

N-North Bound Thinkers – With a belief in continuous improvement, they always think upwards. They strive for perfection in cost optimization, quality assurance, scope control, fault reduction, resource optimization, and so on.

T-Time Bound – Consultants fully understand the value of time and the sensitivity of market trends. Hence, they ensure brisk audits, fast but sound analysis, and controlled implementation of new recommendations through effective delegation.

S-Strategic – Consultants are visionary. They begin with the end in mind. They see the future today and align their strategies based on their knowledge, experience, market study, and risk analysis.

Consultants possessing these qualities can bring remarkable success to any organization they work for or any project they are assigned to

About Author: Junaid Tahir is a passionate blogger. He writes articles on Leadership, Stress Management and Life Enhancement subjects at his personal blog