The Grass Is Always Greener Finding The Joy You Have Not one life goes by in which there is not the search for joy and happiness. It is...

The Grass Is Always Greener
Finding The Joy You Have
Not one life goes by in which there is not the search for joy and happiness. It is unfortunate, however, that people so often believe that the search will be entirely fulfilled by finding the perfect job, acquiring some new gadget, losing weight, or maintaining an image. The problem inherent in looking outward for sources of happiness is that focusing on what you don't have or what you aren't inevitably leads to unhappiness. It is easy to get caught up in your desires and to ignore the sources of joy and growth already present in your life. It is said that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. When you have stopped comparing yourself and your assets to others, you'll be able to recognize that to others, you are on the "green side." Learning to live in the moment and to enjoy your personal lot can be a source of profound contentment.
Start by recognizing what you have. Make a list of one hundred reasons you have to be thankful, even if they seem like small things. Our emotions are based on our perspectives. Try to envision a circumstance wherein your reasons to be thankful feel important. Then apply that perspective.
Joy and satisfaction must come from the inside. Many people feel very sincerely that a different circumstance, financial situation, or wardrobe would bring them happiness, only to find out when they have achieved their goal that they feel the same as they did before. Accepting your current circumstances and embracing them, rather than expending energy on negative thinking, will help you overcome obstacles and enact changes naturally. The happier you are, the more you will be able to make the positive changes that really matter. 
Unhappiness inspired by what you don't have is easy to overcome when you open your eyes to the wonderful things already present in your life. Remember that joy is a state of mind and it is pointless to sacrifice the happiness of today for a set of possibilities that may or may not come to be.