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3 Tips for a Happy Relationship

  A happy relationship takes more than making sending flowers on her birthday or going out for a dinner. A strong and healthy relationship i...


A happy relationship takes more than making sending flowers on her birthday or going out for a dinner. A strong and healthy relationship is built on communication, compromise and commitment which will ensure that each relationship is a happy one. Whether you are in a new relationship or celebrating many years of marriage, a reminder of the “three c’s” is a healthy reminder to everyone.


Communication within a relationship helps you feel connected, appreciated and desired. It also helps to get your needs met. For some, the perfect anniversary gift will communicate your love and affection better than any words as actions are more powerful than words alone. Whilst you may have been a couple for years, neither of you are mind-readers, so talking and listening to each other is vital to avoid misunderstandings that can lead to resentment or confusion.

Communication is verbal and non-verbal, but styles are different for each person and need to be worked on for a happy relationship.  Think about what you want to say and be clear in what you want. You should always double-check your understanding of what is being said if you are uncertain.

Clear away the distractions of phones, television etc. so you can talk in peace. Accept responsibility for your own feelings and be aware of your tone of voice. Try to empathise with your partner and remember not to battle to be right.  Being aware of how you communicate will make your relationship more fulfilling and will make managing conflict easier.


Compromise should be part of your everyday life as a couple since you bring your own individual experiences and beliefs to the table. Merging your lives is vital for a happy relationship and finding a middle ground, conceding or finding a third way in which you are both happy is well worth the effort. Remember that compromise is never a sacrifice of core values, beliefs or needs, it is simply putting the relationship before your ego.

Finding common ground means expressing opinions, understanding and accepting differences. Whilst one may give in, make sure that over the long term this does not lead to resentment, such as where you have a different wish for dinner, between curry or noodles, for example, take the long view to create a perspective of importance. There is no need to fight for what you want about something that is going to matter in a few days or even a couple of years.  

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Commitment means putting each other and the relationship first, to be willing to sacrifice for the other. This requires open communication and each giving a lot whilst also making some sacrifices. Each must be committed to the present and the future of the relationship, with the payoff being true joy and fulfilment in life.  Knowing that each person is committed to shared experiences, working through challenges and growing together will build trust and intimacy and helps release the fears and doubts that hold couples back. This does not mean that commitment is easy. Relationships take work, and whilst some days are easy, you will need to deal with conflict too.

Whilst spontaneity is important in relationships, creating great memories, it is more important in commitment terms, to be aware and support what matters most to you personally and as a couple. If you like watching football and they like fashion and learning new vegan recipes, allow each other enough personal time to focus on this whilst you are still able to do activities together as a couple or as a family.

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