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6 Small Tips For Reducing Injuries In The Workplace

  Workplace injury is one of the biggest causes of absence in the workplace. Injury can be physical, but it can also refer to mental health ...


Workplace injury is one of the biggest causes of absence in the workplace. Injury can be physical, but it can also refer to mental health issues. It is estimated that 38.8 million workdays were lost in 2020 due to mental health issues, for example, but this number can be severely reduced.

It is the job of the business leader to ensure that their staff is following the correct health and safety procedures to avoid injury; however, health and safety training is just the start when it comes to workplace safety. There are some additional methods that you can use to reduce injury in your workplace, many of which are easy enough to implement. Read on to find out what these methods are.

Keep Safety Manuals In Reach

You are often the go-to person when your employees have questions about complex workplace machinery or processes. Unfortunately, you cannot be everywhere at once.

Therefore, you can reduce workplace injury by keeping step-by-step guides and user manuals close to hand at all times. As part of your health and safety training, ensure that you inform your staff about where these manuals can be found so that they never have to face a safety concern uninformed.

Hire Enough Staff

An unfortunate cause of workplace injury is fatigue, especially in manual labor jobs such as construction. The human body can only do so much physical activity without rest before it breaks down, but your staff will be working to strict deadlines. Therefore, it is common for workers to push themselves too far and make mistakes that cause injury. Tiredness can have detrimental effects on both the mind and body. Make sure that you have enough employees on board to get the job done safely while also giving everyone on the site ample time to rest. 

Put Up Reminders

A simple poster can go a long way to improving safety in your workplace. It is easy for busy individuals to forget key procedures, especially when they are working on their own. Putting up safety posters in specific locations gives your staff a quick reminder of what is expected of them in certain situations. This reminder can be as simple as remembering to wear goggles while using a machine, a mistake that is easily made.

Ergonomic Furniture

Busy construction sites aren’t the only places where workplace injury can occur. The modern office can also pose a danger to your health if you aren’t sensible. For example, sitting incorrectly at a desk for too long can result in bodily cramps or long-term pains.

The solution to this issue is investing in furniture designed to reduce these complications. You can choose to integrate ergonomic chairs to promote healthy posture or use an ergonomic desk that suits your height. The height of your chair and desk can help you sit more comfortably, which is good for your body. Desk and chair height for employee health is a relatively new revelation in the business world.

To learn more about this, you should read Branch Furniture’s guide on ergonomic chair height, which explains how office chair height can influence your comfort and health. You will find that you and your employees can work more comfortably in the office with ergonomic furniture, which will also help increase productivity.

Become Aware Of Individual Needs

We have moved on quite a lot as a society in terms of understanding individual needs in the workplace. It is now common for an employee to come forward and reveal that they have a physical or mental disability that can make their role more challenging. What’s more, these issues can also make them more susceptible to workplace injury.

A physical disorder like fibromyalgia can be manageable at times, but completely debilitating the next. That is why you should get to know your employees and understand their needs so that they can be properly supported in their roles. The same goes for mental health issues as well. You can always allow employees with anxiety or depression the time to step outside and recalibrate so that they aren’t overwhelmed by certain situations and prone to mistakes. It is all about being adaptable, and if you can achieve this, then you are on the path to reducing workplace injury.

Always Stay Updated

Just as workplace safety routines have changed in the last ten years, they are likely to change again in the near future. As a result, you will need to keep one eye on the steps being made in this field.

The workplace can only change for the better with experience. Make sure that you are paying attention to what is happening in the field of health and safety to ensure that you are following the correct procedures, but also that you are keeping your employees safe from harm.


You should already be aware of the main health and safety principles that surround the workplace. These tips are just a few extra ideas to get you thinking more about how you can reduce injury in your workplace. The ideas presented do not take a lot of time to implement, and you will always be grateful that you did.