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The Butterfly: Challenges and Defeats

  Once upon a time, there was a guy who spend a lot of time watching the cocoon of the butterfly.  He did not move from his position and ins...


Once upon a time, there was a guy who spend a lot of time watching the cocoon of the butterfly. He did not move from his position and instead occupied his time by observing the butterfly as it struggled for a number of hours to fit its body through the little hole at the very end of the tube. This is one of the great life lesson stories taken from wisdom books

After a while, the butterfly reached a point where it could no longer make any more progression. It appeared as though it had accomplished all of that and was capable of flying, but there was no more room for improvement after reaching that point. The man made the decision to help the butterfly, so he took out a pair of scissors and severed the section of the cocoon that was still attached to it. This allowed the butterfly to emerge from its chrysalis. After that, the butterfly was able to easily escape from its cocoon, even though it had a swollen body and wings that had drastically diminished in size.

The person kept monitoring the butterfly because he anticipated that at any moment, the wings would become more extensive and extend in order to be able to support the body, which would, over time, become smaller. He did this because he anticipated that the butterfly would eventually become more normal. He maintained his focus on the butterfly and watched it.

Neither of these things transpired! In point of fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its existence crawling around with a bloated body and wings that had faded to a far smaller size than they had been when they were first created. Butterfly was unable ever to master the skill of flight.

It was nature's way of compelling fluid from the butterfly's body into its wings so that it would be ready for flying when it achieved its freedom from the cocoon but the kind and hasty man did not realize that the constricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the small opening were nature's way of compelling fluid from the butterfly's body into its wings. Because of his generosity and his haste, the man was unable to comprehend this particular concept.

There are times when we require adversity in order to grow and become better people in our lives. If we were not confronted with any difficulties along the path by the natural world, it would be destructive to our health. If we had taken advantage of those possibilities, our power level would have been far higher than it is now.

Moral of the Story

If you never engage in conflict, you will never grow and get stronger since competition is necessary for the development of strength.


The difficulties that we encounter in life sooner or later help us become more vital as individuals. We can't develop or grow more capable if we do not experience adversity; as a result, it is essential that we experience hardship on our own and do not continually rely on the support of others.

Sometimes we don't have to contend with any challenges, and if we're not careful, this could cause our internal strength to deteriorate. The story of the butterfly encourages us to push through the challenges that life throws at us and to continue to grow as individuals.

Therefore, you should accept who you are, take responsibility for the acts you've taken, and do whatever it takes to succeed in life. Because it's your life and you're the one who has to live it, you should not place an excessive amount of burden on the views of other people.

By Oliver Goodwin

Oliver Goodwin is Seattle-based enthusiastic tech researcher. His passion for new and latest technologies makes him different from his peers. He is proficient in writing on a vast range of topics with extremely well-researched and well-structured data. His presentation skills and convincing power helps him win the trust of his clients. Apart from the technical side, he loves to travel and get exposure to amazing cultures and traditions.