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Enhancing Analytical Skills for Better Decision-Making

By Junaid Tahir In our day-to-day lives, we play various roles such as a spouse, manager, neighbor, seller, parent, supervisor, and more. E...

By Junaid Tahir

In our day-to-day lives, we play various roles such as a spouse, manager, neighbor, seller, parent, supervisor, and more. Each role can present complex and challenging situations that demand our utmost attention. While some situations are straightforward, others can be so intricate that they disrupt our peace of mind as we struggle to determine the best course of action.

This is where our analytical skills come into play. The primary purpose of analyzing any given situation is to identify the root causes of issues, forecast their impact, and plan corrective or preventive actions. Essentially, analytical skills involve visualizing a situation, task, project, or issue from multiple angles to break it down into manageable steps. For visualizing data, tools like Tableau can be extremely useful, and opting for Tableau training can greatly enhance your analytical capabilities.

Here are different scenarios where analytical skills are crucial, along with specific advice for each:

1. Summarizing Large Amounts of Data

To handle large data sets, it's highly recommended to use the Pivot Tables feature in MS Excel. Pivot Tables allow you to generate multi-dimensional reports, break down data into different sheets, and create trend and forecast reports in two or three dimensions. For a comprehensive guide, is an excellent resource on Pivot Tables.

2. Resolving Office Conflicts

In conflict resolution, listen to all parties involved. Document the positive and negative factors and after-effects based on individual feedback, and review this with your manager to determine the best course of action. Present your analysis in a meeting to explain the overall picture and convince everyone of the best option for the company.

3. Managing Large Projects

For large projects, start by creating a high-level agenda (High-Level Project Deliverables) and then develop a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Assign tasks to relevant resources and consider using a Fishbone diagram to analyze task inputs. Regular meetings with team leads and stakeholders can facilitate this process.

4. Resolving Technical Issues

When facing technical issues, consult the product guide, seek advice from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), or refer to the Lessons Learned Register. Always take both corrective actions (to fix the issue) and preventive actions (to address the root cause) to prevent recurrence. Six Sigma's DMAIC method is also effective for analysis and improvement.

5. Making Purchase Decisions

Consider the example of buying a new mobile phone. Analyze your needs by asking questions like: Do I need a touchscreen? Do I need WiFi? What is my budget? Do I need a 5MP camera? Should I choose an iPhone or Android? By evaluating your requirements, you can make an informed decision.

6. Handling Family Conflicts

Handling family conflicts requires more than analytical skills; it involves understanding feelings, emotions, stress levels, age factors, relationship dynamics, and persuasive abilities. Consistently guide everyone on the "forgive and forget" policy, listen calmly to each party, and take time to analyze all aspects vigilantly before reaching a conclusion.

Further Reading: Family Conflict Resolution


Analytical skills can simplify decision-making and problem-solving in various aspects of life. It's not just about considering all options and inputs, but also about evaluating the weight of each option. For example, if you have two options with equal pros and cons, you must consider the significance of each option's impact. Additionally, distinguish between urgent and important tasks to prioritize effectively.

Develop and sharpen your analytical skills to reduce stress and ensure peace of mind in your life.