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Measuring Stress

Interestingly they have given 50 Stress points for Marriage :) Stress scales are lists of life events that can contribute to illnes...

Interestingly they have given 50 Stress points for Marriage :)
Stress scales are lists of life events that can contribute to illness in an individual. The most common scale is the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, also known as the Social Readjustment Rating Scale, or SRRS.[20] Developed by psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe in 1967, the scale lists 43 events that can cause stress.
To calculate one's score, add up the number of "life change units" if an event occurred in the past year. A score of more than 300 means that individual is at risk for illness, a score between 150 and 299 means risk of illness is moderate, and a score under 150 means that individual only has a slight risk of illness.[18][20]

Life eventLife change units
Death of a spouse100
Marital separation65
Death of a close family member63
Personal injury or illness53
Dismissal from work47
Marital reconciliation45
Change in health of family member44
Sexual difficulties39
Gain a new family member39
Business readjustment39
Change in financial state38
Death of a close friend37
Change to different line of work36
Change in frequency of arguments35
Major 32
Foreclosure 30
Change in responsibilities at work29
Child leaving home29
Trouble with in-laws29
Outstanding personal achievement28
Spouse starts or stops work26
Begin or end school26
Change in living conditions25
Revision of personal habits24
Trouble with boss23
Change in working hours or conditions20
Change in residence20
Change in schools20
Change in recreation19
Change in church activities19
Change in social activities18
Minor 17
Change in sleeping habits16
Change in number of family reunions15
Change in eating habits15
Minor violation of law11
A modified version was made for non-adults. The scale is below.[18]
Life EventLife Change Units
Death of parent100
Getting married95
Divorce of parents90
Acquiring a visible deformity80
Fathering an unwed pregnancy70
Jail sentence of parent for over one year70
Marital separation of parents69
Death of a brother or sister68
Change in acceptance by peers67
Pregnancy of unwed sister64
Discovery of being an adopted child63
Marriage of parent to stepparent63
Death of a close friend63
Having a visible congenital deformity62
Serious illness requiring hospitalization58
Failure of a grade in school56
Not making an extracurricular activity55
Hospitalization of a parent55
Jail sentence of parent for over 30 days53
Breaking up with boyfriend or girlfriend53
Beginning to date51
Suspension from school50
Becoming involved with drugs or alcohol50
Birth of a brother or sister50
Increase in arguments between parents47
Loss of job by parent46
Outstanding personal achievement46
Change in parent's financial status45
Accepted at college of choice43
Being a senior in high school42
Hospitalization of a sibling41
Increased absence of parent from home38
Brother or sister leaving home37
Addition of third adult to family34
Becoming a full fledged member of a church31
Decrease in arguments between parents27
Decrease in arguments with parents26
Mother or father beginning work26

[edit] Some Common Misconceptions about Stress

Stress, as a definition, is often used incorrectly. Stressors are events, situations, stimuli, etc. that can cause people to perceive threat, thus they experience anxiety, overwhelmed-ness, or other negative emotions. In fact it is not these events, these traumas, conversations, etc. that "stress" us out, but instead our perception of how we will be able to cope with these stimuli. (See definition of stress at top)
Physiologically, day to day/chronic stressors have a greater negative impact on individuals' health than do more acute, traumatic stressors that generally have a start and an end point (see classic stress response, above). For example, daily stressors like dealing with traffic, finishing homework assignments, etc., cause more harm on one's health in the long run than do stressors such as a death in the family, marriage, etc. (see "types of stressors" above; crisis/catastrophes v. major life events/macro stressors v. daily hassles/micro stressors