By Junaid Tahir A friend of mine was very nervous today because he wasn't dealt nicely by his manager. The error on his par...
By Junaid Tahir
A friend of mine was very nervous today because he wasn't dealt nicely by his manager. The error on his part was that he copied another colleague in a specific email correspondence whom his manager didn't want him to. This lead me pondering over 'Professional Maturity' and 'Ethical Issues' in different Organizations' hence I started re-calling my not so long 10 years professional career to compile the list of issues:
1- Wrong Resource selection (wrong person for the right job) and dropping/ignoring the right one.
2- Favoritism (Nationalism / Languagism)
3- No Appreciation and Encouragement
4- Back biting and Leg pulling
5- Gossips
6- Illogical Promotion
7- Non-uniform task assignment to employee.
8- Mismanagement in Training and Skill polishing
9- Rough and tough behavior by managers in case of mistakes.
Here is some recommendations which need to be implemented for the corrective and preventive remedies:
- Managerial level audits should be done by neutral staff in order to ensure that staff is treated neutrally and irrespective of favoritism.
- Mature employees should keep 'sniffing' the bad air in office in terms of gossips and backbiting and report to the relevant management for corrective and preventive measures.
- Reward: talent recognition system needs to be transparent.
- Promotions to be done based on actual Talent.