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Great Use of 200 Ruppees

By Junaid Tahir While driving back home, I found 200 rupees (~2 USD or ~8 AED) in my car's dashboard. I realized that most of the time...

By Junaid Tahir

While driving back home, I found 200 rupees (~2 USD or ~8 AED) in my car's dashboard. I realized that most of the time, I don't really care how much money is in the dashboard, in my laptop bag, or in my home drawer. The reason for this is probably that the amount is usually so small that it doesn't grab my attention at all. However, the very next moment, I thought that this small cash can definitely make a BIG difference in someone's life. For example:

  1. Buying three meals for a person or one-time meal/flour for a small family, remembering the fact that there are hundreds and thousands of families who cannot afford to have three meals a day.
  2. Buying a small blanket/sheet or a pillow for a poor person to sleep properly, or buying a sweater for a poor person to keep them warm in the winter season while we enjoy warm heaters inside our homes.
  3. Giving this amount to a hospital to support their free medical services.
  4. Giving this amount to cover half a day of electricity for an orphanage.
  5. Taking responsibility for the monthly education fee for one orphan or poor kid.

Well, we can think of many other genuine causes to spend such a minor amount to make a BIG difference in our society, especially considering the fact that millions of families are living below the poverty line around us or in this world. I personally think that if we don't ponder like this, then we have quite a cruel attitude towards our society. So, I urge all of you to find a good reason to spend your money instead of keeping it in your car dashboards, home drawers, or laptop bags. Never underestimate your little efforts. Remember that service to society is the tax we must pay for living in this world, and indeed, this is one of the ways to thank God Almighty for the blessings He has showered upon you and your loved ones.

So, in summary, here is how you can be an effective member of humanity: a) By spending small amounts on social causes. b) By allocating 5% of your earnings for feeding the poor and supporting social causes. c) Sharing this article on Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, and/or forwarding it to your family, friends, and colleagues to generate the ripple effect and spread awareness


About Author: Junaid Tahir, a Project Manager and a passionate blogger writes articles on Stress Management, Leadership and Life Enhancement subjects. His articles can be read Here