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Count them one by one

There are things in life you don't forget even after years and years. I am sure you would have several memories from the past whic...

There are things in life you don't forget even after years and years. I am sure you would have several memories from the past which are still vivid in your mind. Just like that, I want to share a thing with you today. This is related to my visit to my aunt's village in Punjab during my teenage years, where I saw a wall hanging calendar with these superb lines:

When your head is on the pillow
And the day is almost done
Count God's Blessings
Count them one by one

Let us try to understand this concept further by listing down some of the major blessings which have been and are being showered by God on each one of us. Also, let us audit ourselves on how often we are thankful to God for these blessings.

If we ponder to list down the blessings, we have so many major categories like social blessings, family relations blessings, financial blessings, professional blessings, mental & spiritual blessings, educational blessings, environmental blessings, eating, sleeping, communication skills, speaking, and so on. If I start analyzing each category, I will end up with so many sub-categories which will lead me to write a complete book on the subject. So, just to give you an idea on how to go deep into this concept, let us take the example of our eyes.

God has given us eyes to look. First of all, the size, color, shape, and performance factors are to be considered. What could we do if the size, color, or shape was not right? The eyes are with us since our birth. If you are 30 years of age, you have been using this blessing for the last 3036524 = 262,800 hours. Whatever you have achieved in your life is because of the presence of your eyes. You were able to read, watch, and get an education. How often have you been really thankful to God for this? When something wrong happens to our eyes, we go to the hospital and pay the charges, but have we ever thought that God has never sent us the bill for this service which we are using for thousands and thousands of hours? God forbid, if your eyes don't work for 12 hours, your life will be miserable, indeed miserable!

The above example is for one of the countless blessings and free services of the Lord which we are enjoying every second of our life. So, it is extremely important for us to be thankful to the Lord. Now the question arises, how to be thankful? The answer is to remember the Lord whenever possible and as much as we can. From a spiritual and mental perspective, it's very good for the soul and brain to think about blessings as it will give us the sense of possession of things which will result in peace of heart, mind, and soul. Another way to be thankful to God is by supporting His people who are less blessed. For example, taking care of widows on a monthly basis, taking responsibility for the education of child(ren), giving charity to hospitals and orphan houses on a monthly basis by allocating 3-5% of your monthly salary, and contributing to several other causes

Last paragraph for Muslims Only: Allah says in Quran that La-in-Shakar-tum La-Azeedanna-kum wa-la-in kafartum inna azabi la-shadeed. (If you are thankful to Me, I shall give you More…) This is a very powerful tip for all Muslims on how to seek Allah's blessings more and more so it is extremely important to remember Allah as much as we can to have peace of mind. We must make it habit to do tasbih of Alhamdolillah and subhanAllah every night and ponder about Allah's blessings. We must encourage & remind each one of our family members to start this practice and do it for the rest of our life. May Allah include us in in the group of Shakereen. Ameen.  Feel free to give feedback