By Junaid Tahir Your complaining attitude takes you away from your success. In fact, it wouldn't be wrong if I correlate this w...

Your complaining attitude takes you away from your success. In fact, it wouldn't be wrong if I correlate this with Newton's law: complaining and achieving success are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. This means that the more you complain about your circumstances, the more you move away from your destination, and vice versa.
On top of that, if you keep complaining, you will give birth to two more mental diseases: 'blaming' and 'criticizing.' When you don't like your circumstances, you start finding faults in the people around you and then start blaming and criticizing them for your failures. Hence, all three diseases—complaining, blaming, and criticizing—strengthen their roots in your brain, and eventually, this negative attitude becomes your personality trait.
When you complain, you waste your precious time. You build negative energy, which piles up in your brain, stealing your peace of mind and leading to chronic psychological disorders. Hence, it's a concrete physical, mental, and emotional loss, which is nowhere near any kind of benefit.
On the contrary, if you are a hard-working soul, you believe in your skills instead of luck. You believe in the power of Now. You believe in the power of making things happen instead of waiting for things to happen. Your analytical skills give you the luxury to break down the bigger problem into smaller problems, and then you start fixing each problem one by one, moving closer to your ultimate goal slowly and steadily.
So now is the time to decide whether you would like to live as a loser by complaining, blaming, and criticizing, or live like a successful person—the one who doesn't waste time by looking into the past, the one who does not have a negative thought process, the one who is visionary, and the one who, once making a commitment, focuses on it all the way until the task is accomplished.
Complaining causes a draining of energies, and you are in a position to lose your powers in this world of competition