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Sweeping Statements - Annoying, Irritating and Insulting

By Junaid Tahir A sweeping statement is a conclusive or decisive comment made about something or someone, often without sufficient knowledg...

By Junaid Tahir

A sweeping statement is a conclusive or decisive comment made about something or someone, often without sufficient knowledge or consideration. You might not realize it, but you likely make sweeping statements several times a day—and if you don't mind me saying, most of the time, you are wrong. 😊

Consider this scenario: You tell your colleagues that a manager has "no sense of management." If someone asked you to give a ten-minute, non-stop lecture on management, you might struggle because you may not have in-depth knowledge of the domain either. Instead of saying "no sense of management," you could more precisely state that you don't agree with "this particular aspect of management" and then elaborate on your observations. This latter approach focuses on a specific point of view rather than making a sweeping statement.

The Dangers of Sweeping Statements

If you habitually make sweeping statements, you risk damaging your relationships, especially when you express these statements face-to-face, which can annoy and severely irritate others. Sweeping statements overlook the detailed aspects of a subject and can emotionally hurt the person you're addressing.

Moreover, making sweeping statements reflects poorly on you, indicating a lack of careful thinking. It shows a tendency to take a "zoom-out" approach when observing people, whereas situations often require both "zoom-in" (high-level) and "zoom-out" (detailed, micro-level) perspectives.

Examples of Sweeping (and Sometimes Insulting) Statements

  1. Domestic Arguments: A man argues with his housewife, saying, "What exactly do you do at home all day long?" (Urdu: "Tum sara din karti kia ho aakhir?")
  2. Generalizations about Nations: "This whole nation or country is arrogant/corrupt."
  3. Parental Criticism: A mom tells her child, "You never do good work." (Urdu: "Tum nay to kabhi koee acha kaam kia hi nahi.")
  4. Workplace Dismissals: Telling a colleague, "You have no idea about it, so leave it to me."

Striving for Fairness and Understanding

Instead of being judgmental and making instant remarks, strive to understand things fairly before commenting. Use appropriate words and effective communication to describe your stance, aiming to improve the situation rather than harm it.


Avoiding sweeping statements requires mindful communication. By taking the time to understand the details and nuances of a situation, you can offer more precise, constructive feedback. This approach not only fosters better relationships but also reflects a more thoughtful and considerate attitude.

Developing the habit of thoughtful communication can significantly enhance both personal and professional interactions. Remember, the goal is to contribute positively and constructively to conversations, thereby promoting understanding and respect.