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6 Cs to Avoid in Life to be Successful

By Junaid Tahir Everyone wants to stay happy in life, but only a small fraction of people put effort into the factors that can bring happin...

By Junaid Tahir

Everyone wants to stay happy in life, but only a small fraction of people put effort into the factors that can bring happiness. Some factors require work, while others should be avoided. In this article, six factors are discussed that are recommended to be avoided in order to achieve extreme heights of happiness and peace of mind.


This is one of the most extreme ethical crimes I can think of. You conspire when you plan secretly (alone or with others) against someone to do something harmful and unlawful. In the court of humanity, this is a punishable act, and nature always takes revenge on you for the things you do against humanity.


While healthy criticism helps improve things, most of the time, you criticize with no clear positive intention. The more you criticize this way, the more you pollute your own mind and build up negative powers, which backfires in terms of added stress due to negativity. Also, criticizing is an indication that you are not part of the solutions; instead, you are part of the problems. So, if you would like to live a happy life, then no negative criticism, please.


Cursing is the opposite of blessing, which means the one who curses is away from blessing. Both cursing and blessing are indirectly proportional to each other. The more you curse people, the more you make yourself away from them and also from the blessings of the Almighty. Control your thoughts to control your tongue. A daily audit at the end of each day will help improve your habit of cursing. This will improve your mental health and strengthen your inner powers.


Your complaining attitude reduces your social circle. When you start complaining about circumstances, people around you, and so on, you give up your energies to strive and eventually weaken your relations with others and also lose your grip on your goals. This act degrades you in your social group, and eventually, you lose respect. Try speaking positively or stay silent.


Mind your own business. If you can't help, don't complicate their problems. Don't confuse people by raising complicated questions. Speak up only if you have positive advice and neat intention. Remember, giving advice is a matter of honesty, so put yourself in others' shoes; listen empathically, and then advise in the best interest of your companion.


Corruption is a phenomenon of moral or economic deviation from the ideal. Corruption is a worldwide social disease that has spread like a jungle fire and impacts millions of lives every day, consequently polluting every society. Whether it be financial corruption, ethical corruption, or relationship corruption, it consistently pollutes societies and families. The more you earn with illicit acts, the more you push yourself away from the state of contentment. Illegal acts always have reactions equal to or more than the magnitude of the actions you do