How often do you stop to count your blessings? In your daily struggle for more, how often do you feel joyful and thankf...
How often do you stop to
count your blessings?
In your daily struggle for more,
how often do you feel joyful and
thankful for the many, many
things you already have?
Sometime today, stop and take stock
of the things you have, the things you know, the people in your life, your spirituality, your skills, your opinions,
your special perspective on life, your
family, your hobbies, your sense of
humor, your appreciation for beauty,
your caring for others, your concern
for those less fortunate, and your
ability to see opportunity.
The list of possibilities is endless,
and these things all have value beyond anything you can imagine.
I challenge you to take a good
hard look at yourself and to
count your Blessings.
Think of as many of them as you can.
Think of the beauty and richness of
your life. These things don't require
money or power or position.
They all spring from your attitude,
the way you react to situations,
the way you value others, and
the way you value life itself.
~~ Author Unknown ~~
Junaid Tahir
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