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Humor - The Doctor and Engineer

One Engineer could not find a job so he opens a clinic and puts a board outside.. get treatment for Rs. 300... if not treated get b...

One Engineer could not find a job so
he opens a clinic and puts a board
outside.. get treatment for Rs. 300...
if not treated get back Rs. 1000

One Doctor thinks this is a good
opportunity to earn Rs. 1000 and
goes to clinic.

Doctor : I have lost taste in eating

Engineer : Nurse , bring medicine
from box no 22 and put 3 drops in
patient's mouth.

Patient (Doctor) : This is Petrol

Engineer : Congrats.. you got your
taste back ..give me R s. 300
Doctor gets annoyed, goes back after
some days to recover his money

Doctor : I have lost my memory, can
not remember anything

Engineer : Nurse , bring medicine
from box no 22 and put 3 drops in
patient's mouth.

Doctor : But this medicine for taste
of the tongue

Engineer : congrats. you got your
memory back.. give my fees Rs. 300.
Doctor goes back angrily and comes
back after some days

Doctor : My eyesight is become weak.

Engineer : Well I don't have any
medicine for this. Take this Rs. 1000
Doctor : But this is Rs. 500 Note
Engineer : Congrats .. you got back
your eyesight .. give my fees Rs. 300