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How To Combat Cotton Wool Disease Effectively In Home Aquariums

  Aquarium owners who have been rearing fish for a long time will be fully aware of the more common diseases that affect fishes inside a f...


Aquarium owners who have been rearing fish for a long time will be fully aware of the more common diseases that affect fishes inside a fish tank. At some point of time aquarium owners may have come across some disease, and will have the experience to handle the problem. However, in the case of first time owners, they may end up being ill-prepared to face such problems. In case you are unaware of the common diseases that affect a fish, and the remedial measures needed, the following steps will help you prevent and handle the issue.

Understanding The Symptoms Of The Disease
Before you put in place remedial measures, you need to first understand the symptoms of diseases.
Cotton wool disease afflicts fishes due to one of many reasons, and can be easily discerned. Fish that have wooly cotton like growth on the mouth or fins, are symptomatic of this disease. It is necessary to immediately take suitable action to prevent the condition from manifesting and deteriorating further. Left unattended, it is highly likely that the affected fish made by, or even worse the infection could spread to other fish in the tank.

How The Disease Strikes Fishes
This disease typically affects only those fishes that have suffered some form of injury. Fishes have a natural immunity to this disease with a protective mucus layer. Any damage to the mucus layer it out of some past infection or physical injury can cause the disease to afflict the affected fish. Similarly if a fish is undergoing severe stress due to environmental conditions in the tank or aggressive behaviour from other species of fishes, the immunity levels are likely to decrease vomiting the onset of this disease.

Swift Intervention Is The Need Of The Hour
The moment you notice any fish or fishes having these symptoms, it is necessary to first segregate the affected fishes and place them in a separate tank. You need to then check the condition of the water in the tank where the other fishes are kept. The affected fish needs to be placed in a tank where aquarium salt is mixed in a particular ratio to help speed up the treatment. The disease is a fungal affliction; hence you may be required to treat the afflicted fish or the whole tank with antifungal treatment. Topical applications of antifungal solutions are also available for individual treatment of fishes.

Preventive Measures That Need To Be Followed As A Matter Of Routine
The best cure for any disease is obviously prevention. Preventive methods for this disease include ensuring that the quality of the water is maintained through regular filtration and replacement. The temperature of the water needs to be maintained at the optimum level. The bottom of the tank needs to be frequently cleaned by vacuuming of the extra food. Died fish need to be removed from the fish tanks as early as possible. And stress levels of fishes need to be lowered by identifying the right combination of fish species that can be kept together in a tank.

Taking extra care when growing freshwater fishes
The disease typically afflicts freshwater fishes; hence you need to take greater care when you grow freshwater fishes. By having a clear view of the fishes you will be able to quickly spot the growth of cotton wool and take preventive measures. An extra tank will always help in maintaining the health of fishes. This extra time can be used at the time of cleaning out the tank or for segregating fishes which are either sick are displaying aggressive behaviour towards other fishes. This will be an effective method of tackling health and environment issues of fishes inside a fish tank.

The featured site offers useful tips about treating common diseases that affect fishes inside a fish tank. In addition to the practical tips that you will receive, you will learn a lot about the best methods of treating fishes that have been afflicted by common diseases. It is highly likely that most owners of aquariums will come across some kind of infection at some point of time. The most effective method is to quickly respond to the condition and prevent it from turning into proportions that are beyond control.