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Physiotherapy: When do you need it?

It is typical for most of us to rush to the chemists to get painkillers over the counter after having serious back pain, knee pai...

It is typical for most of us to rush to the chemists to get painkillers over the counter after having serious back pain, knee pain, or neck pain. But did you know that painkillers are not always the way to go? Sometimes, the underlying problem is more severe than just the pain you feel ,and that’s where physiotherapists come in. What is physiotherapy? It is the treatment of injury, muscle pain, disease, and disorder through physical movements such as exercise.  

Physiotherapy has worked for millions of people and is gaining popularity all over the world. Most patients who have undergone physiotherapy can attest to the fact that it works. Through proper diagnosis and a suitable treatment plan, the success rate of physiotherapy is almost assured. However, there are also myths about physiotherapy that you should debunk by all means possible. You need not die in pain while you can look up for “physiotherapy near me” on the internet and find one that is best fit for you. 

Below are some of the ways you can tell if you need to see a physiotherapist;

1.      When you have been injured
Unfortunately, injuries are part and parcel of sports. If you get an injury while playing, it is crucial to get the first aid first, access the severity of the issue, then if need be to seek medical attention. Often, with the accidents that involve minor muscle injury, the RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) treatment is what is recommended. However, if the pain takes time before clearing up, it might just be time to see a physiotherapist. Also, if you get involved in a road accident, it is very crucial to ensure that you visit a physiotherapist who can carry out a thorough diagnosis. You might end up neglecting the pain only for it to become worse than it actually was.

2.    Before and after surgery
While preparing to go for an operation, it is vital to go through physiotherapy to gauge if you are fit enough to undergo through the procedure. It also helps to reduce the risks of developing complications after the surgery is done. On the other hand, it is also necessary to include physiotherapy as part of your healing process. After proper analysis, the physiotherapy guides you on the exercises you should do on a daily to help you recover fully. The type of exercises will depend on where the surgery was done. For example, the patients who get bedridden after an operation should change their position from time and again to avoid pressure sores. 

3.    During And After Pregnancy
The life of the unborn child solely depends on how well the mother takes care of them. Expectant mothers experience hormonal changes in their bodies, which makes the ligaments that support the back to soften and stretch. Additionally, due to the body changes that occur, the stomach and the muscles of the pelvic floor also stretch to accommodate the fetus.  As such, it is important to ensure that you check up with your physiotherapist who will guide you on how well you can support your body as well as the exercises you can do to strengthen your muscles. The physiotherapist will also guide you on how to recover from delivery and the type of exercises you can engage in to bring back your body in shape.

4.    When You start experiencing immobility issue
Are you finding it difficult to bend and pick something up? Well, it might just be time to visit your physiotherapist. If you had an injury before, you might find it hard to move the way you used to, however, with the help of a physiotherapist, you can be able to gain your flexibility back. The treatment plans that they offer involve a series of exercises that help in strengthening the muscles. 

5.    When you start passing urine uncontrollably
When you start noticing that you are visiting the bathroom more often than before, it should be a cause for an alarm. There are two forms of urine incontinence, namely, urge incontinence and stress incontinence. The former happens when you feel a sudden urge to pass urine without warning which might lead to leakage of the urine from the bladder whereas the latter is characterized by increased pressure on your bladder even when you cough or sneeze. The physiotherapist, in this case, accesses the problem and guides you through the pelvic floor exercises that you can do to strengthen the muscles.