Health is a great blessing however there is no escape from falling sick. Sometimes sickness is recovered by consulting a General Practi...
Health is a great blessing however there is no escape from falling sick. Sometimes sickness is recovered by consulting a General Practitioner (GP) or taking off-the-shelf medicines. However, at times, you need to visit a domain specialist for full recovery and wellness.
Before you plan to take an appointment, please check the below
1- Qualification of Doctor
Do not compromise on this. Your doctor needs to be a subject matter expert with the right qualifications. For example, if you're looking for a psychiatrist in San Diego, you'll see that Pacific Psych Center has all the right qualifications to work with patients suffering from depression and other mental health disorders.2- Consultation Fees
unfortunately, there is no specific regulation on doctors fees so you will find cheapest to costliest doctors in town. Consider the one that your pocket permits for.3-Word of Mouth
Check with your friends, family and colleagues if anyone one had experience with this doctor. Listen to the feedback carefully.4-Time per Patient
How much is the average time this doctor gives patients to. Any doctor not giving proper care and attention to the patient, is not a good doctor.
5-Insurance Coverage
Check if this doctor/hospital is covered under your insurance provider.6-Communication Skills
Does this doctor has good communication skills. An effective discussion with doctor takes away your sickness to a certain extent and provides mental strength to cope up with the disease.7-Experience and Expertise
If you are visiting this doctor for any chronic disease, its imperative to check if he/she has solid experience and expertise in the domain. A young doctor may not be a better choice for serious health problems.8-Foreign Qualification
Foreign certification, trainings, qualifications are a plus however its not the major criteria because exposure and experience is far more important.9-Language Support
You may come to know about the best doctor in town but probably he doesn't speak your language. Its not wise to visit him. Try for alternates. If you really do not have any other choice, you need to take someone with you who speaks the same language. Remember, effective communication with your doctor is vital which is not possible due to language barrier.10-Gender Preference
For private disease, go to same-gendor type preferably.11-Basic and Advance Tests Support
Check if the hospital you are visting provides basic tests functionality or you will be referred to another lab outside this hospital. If that is the case, you will have to suffer more physically.Similarly, if you are expecting major/complex tests please don't go to street doctors or small clinics.
12- Follow Up Duration
Usually 7 days follow-up duration is covered by most of the insurances (without any further payment/co-payments). Checkout this point prior to making appointment13- Post-visit Support
Good doctors spare time to call their patients for providing guidance and recommendations.14- Pharmacy availability
While pharmacy's availability in the hospital vicinity is not important for your doctor selection criteria however having it closer to doctor's place is a plus.
What are other important aspects for finalizing your doctor? Enlighten us with your thoughts!
#How to find a good doctor
#Doctor finalization check list
#Who is a good doctor
#How to Choose a good doctor
Article Written by Junaid Tahir