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Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies That You Should Know

Source What is Nutrient Deficiency? Nutrients are necessary for the overall health of a person. They are required in specific quantities on ...

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What is Nutrient Deficiency?

Nutrients are necessary for the overall health of a person. They are required in specific quantities on a daily basis.  The body’s nutrient requirements can be met by taking a more balanced diet that contains the essential minerals and vitamins necessary for growth, maintenance, and development of the body.  

Nutrient or dietary deficiency occurs when a person’s body does not get enough of the required minerals and vitamins. Nutrient deficiencies cause serious health issues worldwide, and according to the WHO, 45% of child deaths occur worldwide due to nutritional deficiency of some kind. So, it is important for us to know about the most common nutrient deficiencies.

Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies

Here are five most common nutrient deficiencies that everyone must know.

1. Vitamin B1 Deficiency

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is a water soluble vitamin. Our bodies need it for proper functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Thiamine deficiency causes Beriberi – a condition which badly affects the brain, nerves and heart.

Causes and Symptoms

Since Vitamin B1 is mostly found in whole grains, the deficiency usually occurs when you follow a diet that consists of mainly processed carbohydrates, such as white flour and refined sugar. Late-stage alcoholism is also associated with a greater risk of developing the thiamine deficiency in an addict.

People who are vitamin B1 deficient experience symptoms like short-term memory loss, difficulty in thinking clearly, depression, low-blood pressure, fatigue, or ataxia - a disease which involves a lack of muscle control while moving.


Some people may be able to overcome the vitamin B1 deficiency simply by improving their diet, such as consuming more whole grain foods and avoiding white sugar. Late-stage alcoholics, who are at risk of developing the deficiency, can consult with recovery and substance abuse treatment centers, like The Palm Beach Institute, where they also provide nutritional guidance to the patients.

2. Iron Deficiency

Iron is an important mineral that helps carry oxygen in the blood throughout our body. Iron is part of the protein, hemoglobin, a deficiency of which leads to anemia – a condition in which hemoglobin levels plummet. Iron deficiency is the most common micronutrient deficiency in the world.

Causes and Symptoms

Usually, iron deficiency occurs due to a low iron intake in diet. Blood loss, due to a medical condition, may also lead to low levels of iron in the body. Some people become iron-deficient because their bodies are unable to absorb iron.

The symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, and pale skin.


People who suffer from iron-deficiency or anemia should include meat, fortified grains and cereals in their diet.  Ingesting or injecting iron into your body are more direct treatment options used in medical settings to treat iron deficiency. 

3. Calcium Deficiency

Out of all the minerals found in our bodies, calcium is the most abundant. It makes up more than 90% of our teeth and bones, and also adds to the flexibility in our muscles. Calcium deficiency, also known as hypocalcemia, causes degeneration of the bones and teeth.

Causes and Symptoms

Hypocalcemia usually occurs when our bodies produce low levels of parathyroid hormones. People, who are lactose intolerant, or follow vegetarian or vegan diets, also suffer from a calcium deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency also causes the levels of calcium to drop in the body.

A person deficient in calcium may experience dental problems, muscle cramps, fatigue, seizures, numbness and tingling. It also makes the skin thin, ultimately causing dry skin issues. A long-term calcium deficiency often leads to osteoporosis.


If calcium deficiency is due to low levels of calcium intake in diet, then consuming calcium-rich foods, such as dairy products and green leafy vegetables, will help in the treatment. If it is due to insufficient vitamin D levels, then a healthy amount of sun exposure along with dietary changes will improve the condition.

4. Iodine Deficiency

Iodine is an important mineral that is involved in the production of the thyroid hormone in the body. Thyroid hormone regulates several biological processes. Iodine deficiency occurs when there are low levels of iodine. Worldwide, it is the leading cause of goiter, a condition that involves abnormal enlargement of thyroid. It also causes mental retardation and a condition called hypothyroidism in which there is low secretion of the thyroid hormone. This increases the risk of developing abnormalities in the body.

Causes and Symptoms

Iodine is commonly found in seafood, so those who follow vegetarian or vegan diet usually have low iodine levels in their bodies. In countries where the soil is iodine-deficient, the plant-based food does not have enough iodine. The consumption of foods grown in, or fed on the produce of, such soil doesn’t take care of your iodine requirements. 

Dietary deficiency of iodine causes the thyroid to enlarge and makes the neck swell, which is a common indication of an underlying thyroid problem. A sudden weight gain or hair loss are also indications of an iodine deficiency. Other symptoms include fatigue and heart palpitation.


Consumption of iodized salt on a daily basis is commonly recommended by health experts to overcome the deficiency. 

5. Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 is one of the eight water soluble vitamins of the B-complex family. It is also known as cobalamin. It is required for the proper development and performance of brain and nerve cells. It helps in the DNA synthesis. Vitamin B12 also plays a vital role in the production of red-blood cells in our body, thereby, having sufficient amount of this vitamin in your body limits your risk of developing anemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency also helps in the proper functioning of the brain and spinal cord.

Causes and Symptoms

Vitamin B12 is abundantly found in red and white meats, eggs, and dairy products. So, people who follow vegetarian or vegan diets are more prone to developing vitamin B12 deficiency.

Low levels of cobalamin in the body may cause muscular weakness and fatigue, leading to balance issues. It may also cause depression, memory loss, blurred vision, weight loss, and an irregular heartbeat.


In order to prevent or treat vitamin B12 deficiency, people who are vegan may want to include fortified foods and supplements in their diets. We can make our bodies vitamin B12-sufficient by including meats, eggs and milk in our daily diets.

The Bottom-line

Nutrients such as minerals and vitamins are essential for the optimal functioning of the human body. Lack of any of these nutrients will lead to health issues, such as an iron deficiency causes anemia, thiamine deficiency causes brain damage, and an iodine deficiency causes goiter. These deficiencies, and the resulting illnesses, can be prevented through awareness about our dietary needs and by following a balanced diet.