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5 Reasons you need BLS training

Suppose you are going to work or taking a walk in the park and suddenly see someone collapsing and having difficulty breathing. It might occ...

Suppose you are going to work or taking a walk in the park and suddenly see someone collapsing and having difficulty breathing. It might occur due to the failure of normal heart functioning, and CPR is needed. What will you do if you don’t know how to perform CPR? In such situations, rapid action is required. If these efforts are made in an organized, timely, and swift manner, it is entirely possible to resuscitate a patient. So, you must know how to perform CPR to deal with these kinds of situations. Every individual must know BLS techniques, which could save a life.

What is BLS?

Basic Life Support, or BLS, is a protocol followed by the first responders, medical or non-medical, to anybody suffering from a cardiac arrest, respiratory distress, or obstructed air passage. To provide an individual with BLS, one must have the knowledge and skill of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, otherwise known as CPR. In addition to CPR, the use of automated external defibrillators (AED) and ways to relieve airway obstruction are also essential measures that can save a life.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

An essential component of BLS is CPR. It is an emergency life-saving measure performed once an individual goes into cardiac arrest. To get the heart pumping again, it is subjected to a cycle of 30 chest compressions followed by two breaths that are either given mouth to mouth or through a mask. An alternative to CPR is using an AED, a medical device to induce shock waves to restore the heart's electrical activity. It is a portable device and can significantly raise the chances of survival in an individual suffering from cardiopulmonary arrest. To be an expert in performing such life-saving measures, medical or non-medical personnel can acquire a BLS certification, which would equip them with the skill required that could potentially save a life.

Reasons why you should acquire BLS training

1- You can save a life

One of the fundamental reasons BLS training should be acquired is to help save a person's life. The satisfaction that one feels after contributing to sustaining life is unmatched. The feeling that your efforts have led to a person returning to his family is gratifying. With timely resuscitative measures, you can help prevent irreversible damage to the brain and improve the chances of a quicker recovery. An effective BLS technique can significantly improve a person's rate of recovery.
2- Always be prepared
The unpredictability of life can often catch you off-guard. You can never know when a person is sitting next to you on a bus or sharing the same workplace as you might collapse suddenly. In such unprecedented circumstances, it is of immense benefit to be aware of and have the skill to perform measures that could help revive the person who may have suffered from a cardiac arrest. Basic life support requires no medical knowledge and can be learned by people from all professional backgrounds. It may be worthwhile to be prepared for any unforeseen situation which may arise while at home, at the workplace or even on the street.

3- Build Confidence

It is imperative to develop a sense of confidence in your skill in the medical profession. You can be more confident in your practices once you have had enough experience and training. Prior preparation is of utmost importance to perform emergency life-saving measures to deliver effectively. Through BLS training programs, you can build the confidence and the expertise required to perform resuscitative steps. In emergency case scenarios, a lack of exercise and training can turn into hesitation and fear. Therefore, BLS training courses can help overcome the reluctance that you may feel. Developing confidence can help you feel more in charge of any unforeseen situation.
4- Upgrade your CV

Specific jobs require background knowledge and essential life support, and first aid. Thus, those who have a certified introductory life support course up their sleeve can boost their chances of employment. An applicant might become more appealing to employers with a certified BLS course. Some institutions have made it mandatory eligibility criteria for all prospective employees. In case of a sudden medical situation in the workplace, an employee who can perform BLS can help sustain an individual's life before medical help arrives.
5- It makes employees feel safe

Employee satisfaction hugely relies on how they are being treated in the workplace. One of the most common factors that increase employee turnover is unappreciated and undervalued. A lack of interest develops when employers pay no heed to the employees, resulting in higher resignation rates. With the introduction of mandatory BLS training programs and classifying it as an essential skill, organizations can show their appreciation for employees. One of the most significant factors that can help improve employee satisfaction is indicating that their health and safety are a top priority. Doing so can make employees feel valued and cared for. Through the provision of BLS training, organizations express that they care about their employee's well-being.


Basic life-saving practices have been known to save lives and improve a victim's chances of recovery. Regardless of their professional background, anyone can perform CPR and possibly save a person's life. Numerous institutions are actively engaged in providing basic life support training courses online and in person. Enrolling in such training programs not only helps save a person's life but may also help you climb up the professional ladder. In recent times, importance has been placed on first aid programs in most organizations, while in some, it has become an essential job criterion. Having a certification in basic life support can improve your chances of acquiring a job and moving forward in your career. Most importantly, saving a life helps build a sense of confidence and self-appreciation, which can be highly gratifying.

Hope you thoroughly enjoyed the write-up, and it encouraged you to get a BLS certification or any other similar medical certification as it will help you in unforeseen medical situations. You will have the confidence and skill to save people’s life.

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