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8 Ways To Live A Holistic Lifestyle

  Holistic living means taking care of one's self. This includes keeping your mind, body, and soul healthy and in a state of harmony. A ...


Holistic living means taking care of one's self. This includes keeping your mind, body, and soul healthy and in a state of harmony. A holistic lifestyle acknowledges that all three parts are interconnected and essential for good health, and a disturbance in one can create an imbalance, which can affect your overall wellness. Holistic living is a way of life and the key to achieving physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

If you wish to adopt a holistic lifestyle, this article will explain some easy ways you can start your journey.

Be your authentic self

The first step on your journey to wellness is determining who you are, what matters to you, and who is the version of you that you want to be. Start by being honest about what you like and what you don't like. Ask yourself what brings you happiness and keeps you healthy and what you want to do to stay that way. Listen to that voice inside you and establish what brings you peace. Pursue your passions in life, and don't take time for granted. If your daily routine isn't bringing you happiness or making you healthier, a change is in order, which brings us to the next point.

Connect with your emotions

Tap into those suppressed, trapped emotions. Being one with oneself also means being one with your emotions. Let your emotions guide you but don't let them control you. If it helps, you can connect with certified professionals who can help you unlock your emotion code and manage suppressed thoughts. Being in touch with your emotions is key to mental well-being. Connect with your inner feelings, be in sync and let your mind, body, and soul guide you through social, personal, and workplace interactions. Seeking professional guidance will help you navigate your mental health concerns, but you could also try the next tip.

Journal your thoughts

Lay it all on that page and let that pen run rampant. Your subconscious knows you better than you know yourself, so don't ignore that link. Journal writing lets you organize your thoughts to make better sense, and your mind can be more focused on the best way forward. This will help in avoiding misunderstandings and awkward encounters.

Adopt healthy habits

On your path to a holistic lifestyle, you need to quit bad habits and develop healthy ones instead. These can be anything from a morning jog, a nighttime walk, a weekend get-together, or a monthly getaway for a day or two with your friends. Use these habits to quit a sedentary lifestyle. Holistic living also includes developing habits such as avoiding unhealthy junk food and replacing it with balanced meals, replacing caffeinated and sugary drinks with healthier options, quitting smoking and drinking, etc. However, it is just as important to be consistent. So, start slowly and work your way to internalizing good habits.

Live in the present

There is no joy in focusing on the past. Live in the present and focus on your future. Stressing on the unchangeable will only give you more stress and affect your well-being. This prevents you from focusing on your present and missing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. However, don't rush. Rushing through life may bring regrets, so work at your own pace. Remember to take a break now and then and have a look at the beautiful world around you.

Stay active

A holistic lifestyle doesn't necessarily include 90-minute cardio routines or back-breaking exercises. But if that's your cuppa for staying active, then why not? Alternatively, you can indulge in some light exercise that keeps you active and get those endorphins flowing.

Lethargy has no place in a holistic lifestyle. Keeping yourself active can effectively boost your physical and mental health by reducing stress and improving sleep and your mood. It can also help burn excess calories you consume and keep chronic medical conditions at bay.

Keep yourself socially connected

Go out and experience life, meet with your friends, do activities in groups and stay connected. Staying stuck at home and disconnecting from everything leads to missing out on life's important moments. It also promotes an unhealthy sedentary lifestyle counterproductive to holistic wellness. A holistic lifestyle involves keeping yourself around people you love, staying connected, recognizing those who are true to you, and avoiding those who cause you distress.

At the same time, holistic living also acknowledges the effect of the environment on the person. So, sometimes the healthy choice will require disconnecting from people that repeatedly cause you to stress or create toxic situations.

Be organic

Ensure your diet includes mostly natural ingredients, and try to avoid any inorganic products that cause you harm. It could mean substituting alcohol with green tea and using organic vegetables, fruits, and animal meat. Cosmetics and toiletries are no exception; from the skincare products you use to your shampoo, try to switch to organic, healthier products wherever you can. A healthy body promotes a healthy mind and a healthy soul so take care of what you put in and on your body.


Adopting a holistic lifestyle may seem like a long process, but there is no shortcut to happiness and a healthier you. Putting in effort is crucial to living a healthy lifestyle. Connecting with others practicing similar habits can help motivate you to stay on track. You'll have someone to reach out to for support and guidance. Be sure to consult with a medical professional for additional advice.