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5 Helpful Ways to Improve Your Child’s Mental Health

Like other diligent parents, you most likely take your kid to well-child visits, get them immunization shots, ensure a nutritional diet, and...

Like other diligent parents, you most likely take your kid to well-child visits, get them immunization shots, ensure a nutritional diet, and help them complete schoolwork. But how often does the thought of looking after your kid’s mental health cross your mind?

A child’s mental well-being is equally important, if not more, than physical health. As reported by the CDC, 1 in 5 children suffers from a mental health illness. Only parents can be the first level of support for children’s mental health since they know their kids better than anyone else. But unfortunately, most parents fail to notice when their kid goes through a vulnerable phase. And even if they get some clue, quite a few pay heed to the signs.

Nowadays, children are under a lot of stress. Academic pressure, social interactions, extracurricular activities, and external influences are the principal reasons children experience mental health issues. But this begs the question: what can you do to keep your kids mentally fit and healthy?

If you wish to learn how to nurture your child’s mental wellness, read on:

 Seek professional support

Most kids, if not all, are pessimistic since their childhood, which isn’t always an issue. However, when such problems cross a line, they become a matter of great concern. So, consider it a telltale sign if you observe your child overly worried and alienated from casual situations such as interacting with new people. Similarly, if a change in attitude or mood persists for weeks, it could be a sign of mental health problems.

Unfortunately, almost 1 in 7 children suffers from mental health disorders in the US. But the alarming news is that nearly half of these kids didn’t get help from medical health professionals in 2016. Mental health issues, if left untreated, can adversely impact overall well-being.

Therefore, if your kid, whether a teenager or young adult, struggles with mental illness, seek professional help. Choose a reliable facility such as Vista Pines Health to receive optimum care and boost the quality of life. Since mental health problems influence every individual differently, professionals can develop a treatment plan that caters to your kid’s needs.


Take out time to play together

Every child needs to learn how to address their emotions and build relationships. And since each kid is different by nature, you need to figure out which activities your kid genuinely enjoys to express their feelings. Sports activities, dancing, photography, writing, singing, or acting are just a few examples to help your child contend with complex emotions. Not only this, but such activities also spur innovation and creativity in kids.

According to a study, playing can yield multiple benefits for kids. For example, play increases the likelihood of a kid being happy and mitigates the risk of anxiety and depression. Therefore, give a break to household chores, work duties, and other obligations and carve out time to spend with your kid. Paying attention solely to your kid makes them feel important and loved.

Remember, you don’t need to play with the intent of winning. Instead, spending time together and playing is more about being involved and enjoying the activities.


Encourage healthy practices

Let’s admit it - there’s no safe place like your humble abode. Children’s mental clarity and development mainly hinge on a positive home environment. So, being a parent, make an effort to provide your kids with a cheerful, secure, and supportive environment. Being generous and showering love can go a long way toward nurturing a child’s mental health.

Likewise, parents should promote healthy lifestyle choices and practices at home. We all know eating a well-balanced diet, engaging in healthy activities, maintaining proper hygiene, and getting adequate sleep aids physical well-being. But these healthy habits enhance mental health, too.

Although encouraging your kids to eat nutritional food might not be easy, considering the bombardment of junk food nowadays. Nevertheless, you can get creative and add fruits and vegetables to sandwiches and smoothies.


Create a relationship of trust

A parent’s relationship with their children plays a significant role in helping them reach maximum mental growth. And the foundation of a solid parent-child relationship starts with trust. Therefore, utter the words you mean and act on those words. Consider different ways to showcase your child with love, care, and affection, and be consistent.

However, your job as a parent doesn’t just stop here. Take some time from your everyday routine, no matter how hectic, and ask your kid about the happenings in their life. Listen intently to their worries, issues, and concerns. This way, you can get an accurate and well-rounded picture of your kid’s emotional and mental state.

Sometimes all kids want to have is someone in their corner who understands their problems and can lend a listening ear. So, consider this opportunity to let your kids know it’s completely normal to encounter times of struggle and strength.

Promote healthy relationships 

Social connections are an indispensable constituent of mental health. We, humans, crave connection and human contact. While the special relationship you have with your child is undeniably essential, your kid requires several other relationships too to thrive in their life.

It’s crucial to develop strong relationships with others, such as cousins, neighbors, friends, grandparents, and others, to remain mentally fit. Even if you are one of those parents who wish to keep your kids to yourself and enjoy alone time, provide them with the opportunity to connect and network with others. These relationships help your little ones master vital life skills.

So, support your kid to foster healthy relationships; for instance, motivate them to make new friends while playing or at school. You can go the extra mile and invite your child’s friends to your home to learn about their company. Also, try encouraging them to talk to their grandparents through Facetime or other virtual apps. It can help make a difference in your child’s mental wellness.


Final Words

A mentally healthy child is less likely to lapse into illness since they have high immunity levels. Not only this, but the kid can also concentrate better in school and tackle challenges head-on in life. And while it might not be easy to support and boost your child’s mental wellness. However, you can provide integral support to your kid in this journey by implementing parenting tips.

Try being all ears when your kid opens up and expresses their feelings. Also, provide a comfortable and positive environment so your child can communicate their worries. This way, your kid can always count on you, ask for help when needed, and manage everyday struggles smoothly. Further, foster healthy relationships, teach healthy practices, build trust, and establish boundaries to make your kid mentally healthy and happy.

Although you may feel the instinct to shield your child from anything that goes wrong in life, admittedly, it’s next to impossible. Therefore, concentrate on what your kid genuinely enjoys, build self-esteem, and focus on the positive aspects. And, in no time, you’ll witness your child flowering into an entirely different person.