As any parent could tell you, no miracle in the world can drive kids away from chocolates, candies, and other such sweet treats. Nor could a...
Dental problems are usually neglected by most parents until their children complain of experiencing agonizing pain. It’s not necessary that your child has a dental problem only when his teeth start to pain. In fact, pain can be prevented if the teeth are taken care of. It also doesn’t matter whether the problem is natural or brought about by carelessness.
If you wanted to know more about dental health and how to take care of your teeth, you’ve come to the right place.
To understand the roots of the problem, lets take a look at how your teeth function.
Basic Anatomy of Teeth
The most basic constituents of your teeth are dentine, pulp, enamel, and cementum. Here is the description of these 4:Enamel is mostly calcium phosphate, the shiny white surface of your teeth. Enamel may seem like a bonus feature to make your teeth look good, but it also prevents a bundle of dental problems.
Dentine is made of cells, and is present beneath the Enamel layer . It produces a hard mineral for protection of your teeth.
Pulp as the name suggests, is soft. It is present beneath the dentine layer, consisting of various blood vessels and nerves.
Cementum is situated between the tooth and gum, and it serves as a strong bonding between the two.
Most Common Dental Issues
Like any other system in a human body, teeth are also open to a number of various diseases. Some of these diseases aren’t really diseases though, they are simply small problems that cause pain unless they are taken care of.
However, that’s not to say that there aren’t other diseases that severely affect your dental structure.
Most of the following issues can be prevented with awareness and knowledge, and a little bit of care. Here are things that you can do to tackle potential and common dental problems:
Toothache: Toothaches aren’t really a dental problem by definition. They are more of a symptom, and act like ‘warning signs’ indicating that something is wrong with the teeth. Parents should immediately seek medical aid in case their child experiences toothache because you can never know the seriousness of a dental problem.
Stains: Not brushing your teeth properly or regularly causes foods and drinks to fade the shine and whiteness of your teeth. Stained teeth are also caused by some medications and excessive amounts of smoking. Stained teeth can be revived by a dentist while stained teeth caused by food and drinks can be fixed by regularly brushing your teeth with a whitening toothpaste.
Crooked Alignment of Teeth: In an awful lot of cases, all the teeth grow in unsynchronized directions which results in a terrible looking mouth when you smile. Crooked teeth are treated by using braces which align your teeth by force.
Impacted Teeth: Due to an abnormal alignment of your teeth, it is possible that a tooth or two grown in a diagonal direction instead of growing downwards. That tooth usually puts a lot of stress over adjacent teeth and can cause a lot of pain after sometime. In many cases, the growth of impacted tooth can forcefully be directed outwards, making your teeth look abnormal or disoriented.
A dentist may suggest you a course of braces or removal of the criminal tooth depending on your teeth alignment. Your dentist may present sedation options if you have fear of dental procedure. You can learm more about iv sedation side effects Dental and how it can help you have relaxed and comfortable dental experience.
Gum disease: Gingivitis and periodontists are probably the gum diseases which are commonly diagnosed. Gingivitis is an initial stage of many gum diseases and should be taken care of immediately. Periodontists is a dangerous gum disease which causes bone loss, ultimately making your teeth weaker.
Hyperdontia: In a healthy mouth, there are 32 teeth, while in some cases, an extra tooth stats growing. This may be a tooth or a form of a tumor, and is called hyperdontia. In both the cases, hyperdontia is an uninvited guest and should be removed immediately.
Consult orthodontics to diagnose and treat a hyperdontia.
Cavities can deal a lot of damage to teeth and spread gradually to other adjacent teeth. They are basically the bud that lead up to form a serious dental problem.
A person’s gums become sensitive when protective layers covering the nerve-endings are depleted, leaving the nerve-endings unprotected from coming in contact to foods and drinks.
Cavities: Traces of chocolates, toffees and other candies stick to our teeth and cause cavities if not removed. Cavities then lead to all sorts of teeth problems and gum diseases that cause a great deal of pain to the victim
Sensitivity: Sensitivity is yet another dental problem which causes excruciating pulses of pain when experienced.
Once the protective layers are depleted, any sort of food or drink could cause intense temperatures to reach the nerve-endings. That is when you feel that in-suppressible pain in your teeth.Preventing Dental Problems
A majority of dentists also suggest some habits to keep your teeth healthy. The most common of these habits is to:
- brush your teeth twice a day, especially before going to sleep.
- Using floss,
- eating healthy and mild-temperature foods and drinks,
- avoiding junk food.
Above all, visit a certified and acknowledged dentist regularly to perform a standard checkup of your teeth. An expert can never miss what you easily could.