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Striving for Peace of Mind: The Great Spirit's Qualities

By Junaid Tahir: Striving for Peace of Mind: The Great Spirit's Qualities By Junaid Tahir Everyone nowadays is craving peace of m...

By Junaid Tahir:

Striving for Peace of Mind: The Great Spirit's Qualities

By Junaid Tahir

Everyone nowadays is craving peace of mind through monetary achievements. However, what people don't understand is that materialistic achievements provide temporary happiness but not the long-lasting state of abundance. On the contrary, a person possessing a Great Spirit, regardless of being poor or rich, can have a great contentment state of mind. You may think that practicing the qualities of the Great Spirit is not an easy job and only special people can develop and practice such traits. I would disagree with you. You must remember that all people are born with the same principles of nature (including you). However, successful and peaceful people are those who have the tendency to learn things that are good for their body, heart, and soul. Having said that, below are the 8 qualities you must strive for to join the league of Great Spirits and enjoy the ultimate mental and spiritual happiness:

1. Avoiding Conflict and Criticism

Great Spirits lack the ability to conflict, complain, curse, conspire, and criticize (more details about 6Cs can be read here). They mind their own business. They have the least tendency to discuss people. They believe that small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, higher minds discuss ideas, and great minds act in silence.

2. Maintaining Emotional Stability

They are implosive and optimistic, with solid control over their mood swings. They are highly adaptable and resilient to most stretched circumstances by having strong control over their negative thoughts.

3. Practicing Empathy

They believe that others will remember them for how they made them feel. Hence, they are empathetic and emotionally intelligent in judging others' situations and feelings to resolve their crises and make them feel good. They frequently smile and laugh to keep others happy.

4. Living in the Present

They enjoy the present, forget the past, and don't worry too much about the future. They have a great tendency to live in needs instead of wants, hence they have an absence of greed in their nature.

5. Cultivating Gratitude

They believe that being thankful is the open door to abundance, hence they possess a high degree of gratitude. Spiritual people keep reminding themselves that if they woke up the next day with only the blessings they were thankful for yesterday. The feeling of gratitude strengthens the degree of contentment. They remember the quote, "When your head is on the pillow and the day is almost done – count God's blessings, count them one by one."

6. Embracing Simplicity

They believe in simplicity instead of being socially sensitive. They understand that it's perfectly alright not to follow each fashion trend or buy a new luxury car that their friends have because comparing themselves with others is an insulting act. Also, pleasing everybody will never bring long-lasting peace in their lives.

7. Listening More, Speaking Less

They listen more and speak less. If they speak, they speak what is positive, important, or beneficial for others. They know that when a person speaks more, they are on the verge of making more mistakes; hence, spiritually strong people listen more and speak less.

While it may take time to develop these habits, once you make concrete commitments with yourself for the pursuit of happiness through practicing these qualities, the journey becomes much easier and the fruits of your efforts are very sweet and long-lasting

About Author, Junaid Tahir is a telecom engineer and a passionate blogger. He writes articles on Leadership and Stress Managemen. This article was first published on on 25Aug2013