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50 Things You Can Do For Pakistan (Or for Your Country)

Here are 50 things you can do for Pakistan: Promote Education : Support and volunteer in educational programs. Plant Trees : Partic...

Here are 50 things you can do for Pakistan:

  1. Promote Education: Support and volunteer in educational programs.
  2. Plant Trees: Participate in tree-planting drives to combat deforestation.
  3. Support Local Businesses: Buy products made in Pakistan.
  4. Volunteer: Join community service organizations.
  5. Donate Blood: Regularly donate blood to save lives.
  6. Reduce Plastic Use: Minimize single-use plastics to protect the environment.
  7. Support Women's Rights: Advocate for gender equality and women's empowerment.
  8. Promote Cleanliness: Keep your surroundings clean and join cleanup drives.
  9. Conserve Water: Practice water-saving techniques in your daily life.
  10. Use Public Transport: Reduce carbon footprint by using public transportation.
  11. Educate Others: Raise awareness about important social issues.
  12. Support Healthcare: Volunteer at or donate to local hospitals and clinics.
  13. Promote Peace: Engage in activities that foster peace and harmony.
  14. Vote: Participate in elections and encourage others to do the same.
  15. Donate to Charities: Support reputable charitable organizations.
  16. Teach Skills: Offer skill-based training to underprivileged communities.
  17. Promote Arts and Culture: Support local artists and cultural events.
  18. Engage in Dialogue: Promote interfaith and intercultural dialogues.
  19. Support Disaster Relief: Contribute to and volunteer for disaster relief efforts.
  20. Mentor Youth: Guide and mentor young people in your community.
  21. Conserve Energy: Implement energy-saving practices at home and work.
  22. Promote Sports: Encourage participation in sports and fitness activities.
  23. Support Orphanages: Volunteer at or donate to orphanages.
  24. Promote Reading: Donate books and support libraries.
  25. Advocate for Human Rights: Stand up for the rights of all citizens.
  26. Improve Infrastructure: Participate in community projects to improve local infrastructure.
  27. Support Farmers: Buy locally grown produce and support sustainable farming.
  28. Promote Digital Literacy: Teach digital skills to those without access.
  29. Encourage Recycling: Practice and promote recycling in your community.
  30. Volunteer in Rural Areas: Support development projects in rural regions.
  31. Support Animal Welfare: Volunteer at animal shelters and promote animal rights.
  32. Promote Tourism: Highlight and support local tourism.
  33. Participate in Civic Activities: Engage in local government and community planning.
  34. Support Clean Energy: Advocate for and invest in renewable energy sources.
  35. Provide Scholarships: Fund or support scholarships for students.
  36. Promote Healthy Living: Encourage healthy lifestyles and preventative healthcare.
  37. Support Law Enforcement: Work with local police to ensure community safety.
  38. Engage in Social Media Advocacy: Use social media for positive change.
  39. Promote Entrepreneurship: Support startup initiatives and innovation.
  40. Foster Inclusivity: Create and support inclusive environments.
  41. Participate in Blood Drives: Organize or take part in blood donation campaigns.
  42. Encourage Creative Expression: Support platforms for creative arts.
  43. Promote Financial Literacy: Educate others on financial management.
  44. Engage in Environmental Protection: Advocate for policies that protect the environment.
  45. Support Elderly Care: Volunteer at or donate to elderly care homes.
  46. Promote Literacy: Teach literacy skills to adults and children.
  47. Foster Community Building: Organize community-building activities.
  48. Support Anti-Drug Campaigns: Promote awareness and prevention of drug abuse.
  49. Promote Mental Health Awareness: Support mental health initiatives and destigmatize mental illness.
  50. Stay Informed and Active: Keep abreast of national issues and actively participate in solutions.

These actions, whether big or small, can collectively contribute to the development and betterment of Pakistan

John F Kennedy once said, “Ask not what the country can do for you, Ask what YOU can do for your country”

If you are Citizen:

1.      Report Crimes/Corruptions and share Ideas on Citizen Portal. Watch this YouTube video about Citizen Portal

2.      Prefer buying local products to promote local economy. 

3.      Create awareness by telling everyone around you that each one of us has a role to play regardless of our financial, educational or cast status.

4.      Know and obey the laws. Traffic laws, tax laws, municipality laws, sale/purchase laws and so on. Those societies and countries grow faster where obedience of laws is ensured.

5.      Ensure cleanliness in your home, office, schools, parks, literally everywhere. Throw your waste only in the bins. All great nations avoid littering. Be one of them.

6.      Do something good for society within your capacity. Example: If you are doctor, provide free consultation to one patient (daily). If you are working professional, help your street watchman speak English. If you are a teacher, provide free education to one deserving child.

7.      Raise your voice when you see injustice, wrongful acts in societies.

8.      Reduce plastic consumptions. When shopping, use as less number of shopping bags as possible.

If you are an Expat:

9.      Send remittance to Pakistan via Pakistani channels/exchanges/banks. Report hundi/havala systems to respective authorities.

10.   Promote Pakistan’s image in your residence country. Join respective associations, groups and take active part in social gatherings.

11.   Try to find jobs for Pakistani’s in your office or business. Each Pakistani working outside Pakistan will contribute to the economy of Pakistan via remittance.

12.   Create job-based WhatsApp Groups for Pakistani people.

13.   Establish local monetary fund where each member contributes $5 per month. This fund can be used to support those expats whose families need urgent assistance (medical, educational or legal needs)

If you are Businessman/ Entrepreneur:

14.   A good leader with his/her effective business acumen produces more leaders, not more followers. Expand your business with the intention of creating more jobs to accommodating more people in your business. You will not only get reward from Allah but also receive blessings in your business. 

15.   Encourage people to join startup Facebook group for business. Check this awesome Facebook inspiring thousands of young entrepreneurs 

16.   Invest on new business ventures

17.   Pay your taxes honestly. Check your Tax Profile information which Govt of Pakistan has about you.

18.   Inspire and motivate international businessmen to invest in Pakistan.

19.   Bring best practices from your industry and implement in Pakistan. This improves the quality of services for consumer and also uplifts the local industry to the international standards.

20.   Develop consultancy business (providing guidance on business registrations, assistance for tax filing, legal counselling, documentation management, IT services, professional trainings and so on). This will open doors of new jobs.

21.   Hire internees and help them develop job-based skills and provide them exposure to serve in international markets.

If you are a Web Enthusiast:

22.   Website Developer: Create websites to promote image of Pakistan.

23.   Blogger: Write as many good articles as possible on:

a.      Pakistan tourism

b.      Pakistan’s Role in the world

c.      Pakistan Trade

24.   Spread awareness about online jobs such as graphics designers, blogging, app development, SEO, affiliate marketing. This is multi-billion dollar industry and unfortunately Pakistan’s share is almost nil.

If you are Educationalist:

25.   Work on increasing of IT certifications across Pakistan

26.   Work on promoting vocational skills such as KPK board

27.   Work with website developer to place all free / paid certifications and promote it via local print media, social media and electronic media.

28.   While Urdu defines our concreate foundation, promote English as much as possible. Our neighboring countries are grabbing much more services businesses in international markets due to better English skills.

29.   Promote skill based domestic / national clubs such as robotics, DIYs, ac repairing etc.

If you are a Project Manager:

30.   Work on Penetration of PMP, PRINCE2, SCRUM Project Management Certifications in your respective cities. Try to create a force of project managers in your localities who can apply professional knowledge and best practices in what they do (even in small organizations)

31.   Work on Process Enhancement. Write articles on process enhancement from your life experience. Example: if you visited a restaurant, you might have noticed the process of handling and serving customers. Process for customer handling at bank etc.

If you are Web Developer:

32.   Promote games having pictures/videos of Pakistan.

33.   Develop English apps containing books from Pakistani philosophers, scientists etc. 

34.   Establish websites where scholarships from across the world are published. This will be helpful for our youth to go for international universities for advance studies.

35.   Establish forums to promote online jobs across Pakistani youth. (Graphics designing, editing, SEO, IT, app development, online teaching and so on)

If you are Philanthropist:

36.   Feed a fish to fix the hunger for one day. Teach how to catch fish to fix the hunger permanently. Instead of charity consider working on job creation

a.      Buy a rickshaw for someone

b.      Open a shop for jobless person

c.      Buy sewing machine for widows

d.      Open tandoor for someone.

37.   Genuine cause of charity should not be stopped such as patient support, widows support, orphans support etc.

38.   Visit nearest school and take ownership of educational fee for as many orphan kids as possible. This will ensure orphan continues studying in the school.

39.   Sponsor a dialysis machine in nearest hospital. Sponsor surgeries or medicine support.

If you are a Journalist:

40.   For God’s sake, stop writing on useless political subjects (aaj Nawaz sharif nay jail main aam khaiy, asif ali zardari nay namaz parhi) and political character assassinations (Maryam nay aisay bayan day dia kay Imran Khan sharam kay maray doob gya ho ga).

41.   Start writing on great causes such as science, IT, innovation, robotics, ideas, business, sports, certifications, skills, entrepreneurship, leadership, career, jobs, parenting, social causes, poverty, health, jobs, construction industry, new products, books review, affiliate marketing, top 10 of everything, investment ideas and many others.

42.   Arrange TV shows on genuine causes such as:

a.      how to resolve electricity crisis,

b.      how court system works,

c.      how to digitize our Government processes and systems,

d.      how to automate driving licensing,

e.      how to start business registration process)

43.   Show innovative news from great countries on youth, economy, business and technology, sports etc.  

Miscellaneous Ideas:

44.   Establish registered NGOs to work on Poverty, Health, Child abuse, under age work.

45.   Youth Development Program

46.   Eliminate begging

47.   Adopt an orphan

48.   Sponsor poor kids education

49.   Volunteer for cleaning your area park, market or school

50.   Establish NGOs on child abuse, rural woman health, drugs and tobacco eradication, nutritional deficiency

Final Thoughts:

Above all, please be honest on everything you do. A nation cannot grow until we bring honesty and excellence in our day to day tasks. Don’t escape from your responsibilities at work or home. Submit yourself to God and adapt the ultimate principles of honesty, generosity, positivity and union. 

Article Written by Junaid Tahir