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How Family Can Support Each Other Through Tough Times

  The responsibilities of a family go beyond primary socialization. They extend to all parts of a person’s life – both joyous and bitter. ...


The responsibilities of a family go beyond primary socialization. They extend to all parts of a person’s life – both joyous and bitter.

The security and unconditional love provided by families make them distinct from all other relations. Families are the preferred source of comfort for many during testing times.

Family members must support and encourage each other to always do their best. The affection these close relationships can provide you is unmatched.

However, sometimes family members might find it hard to meet these expectations in times of need. The consequence might include increased stress and broken bonds.

But don’t worry. We have got you covered with a list of ways you can support your family through tough times. Continue reading to handle all such challenging situations like a professional.

1) Listen with compassion

Communicating with someone is one of the most vital steps to making someone feel supported. And effective communication begins by listening carefully.

But, it has become human nature to always comment on people’s situations mid-conversation. This habit must go if you want to understand your family members better.

Listening without commenting will make people feel important. They will be able to talk without the fear of being misunderstood and interrupted.

Sharing their struggles will itself reduce much of their stress. It will also give you a greater insight into their situation so you can help them better.

2) Offer practical help

Once you have comprehended the cause of stress in your family, the next step is to give possible solutions.

For example, if a family member suffers from mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure at work. A wise decision would be to connect them to an agency like Sokolove Law to file a case against the negligent party.

Advising your family members to take help from such programs can provide them with legal and financial aid.

Ensure that the solution you provide is achievable and practical. If not, it might elicit feelings of helplessness for your relative.

Also, vague pieces of advice are just as useless as impractical ones. Hence, be specific and well-informed before you offer help.

3) Enquire about the situation

This tip does not mean you need to investigate for anything. It is a simple way of letting people know that you wish to be of help.

Asking people questions to understand how they feel is better than making assumptions. Your clouded perspective and lack of knowledge might prove to be harmful to your relative’s mental health.

Hence, politely ask for clarifications to gather information about the stressor and its impact on your loved one.

It will make them feel like you care about them. You can also help them better when you have more knowledge. However, please remember that they may be in a vulnerable position in times of need.

Not having an answer for every query you have is acceptable in this state. So, do not expect too much information. Also, make sure your questions are respectful. Crossing boundaries might trigger a stressful response.

4) Understand their wants

All humans are different. Some appreciate others’ presence in difficult times, while others are more comfortable alone.

You must converse with your loved ones about how they wish to deal with the problem. Tell them you are available to talk and spend time with them whenever they are ready.

But do not force them to be social and have fun. It might make matters even worse for people who need some space.

You can handle things differently for people who wish to stay distracted from the problem. Plan activities and enjoy them instead of letting the stressor completely take over their lives. Do not make it the center of all conversations. You can do things that your loved one enjoys. It would be taking a walk, hiking, shopping, painting, or anything else.

Giving a little push outside the comfort zone might also be of help. Letting them stay alone for too long might develop feelings of loneliness and depression. So, assist them in maintaining a balance between being alone and having fun with people.

5) Keep things confidential

People usually do not wish everybody knows all the details about their hardships. The first person they open up to about problems is often a family member.

But, they might have any other option but to keep all their thoughts to themselves if no family member can be trusted.

Feel fortunate that people are sharing their feelings with you. Keeping them hidden should be your utmost responsibility. Hence, establish yourself as a person who keeps things confidential.

Ask them clearly about what you can and can not disclose to others. Breaking their trust would mean they will not share personal information again with anybody in the family.

6) Offer praise

A little appreciation goes a long way. Saying a few words of admiration might be all a person needs to brighten their mood.

Let people know you are in awe of their commitment and strength through tough times. Doing this will reassure them that they are doing well. It will also encourage them to continue with the same spirit and achieve better.

7) Try to make things easier for them

People facing hardships might not have the physical and emotional energy to live life as they did before. There must be important tasks that have settled at the end of their priority list.

For example, they do laundry, eat healthily, clean the house, and even manage their hair. Taking a few extra responsibilities might be a huge help in such times.

Offer to run the laundry for them or prep meals for them to eat whenever they wish to. You can try meal prepping and storing the food away for them to reheat and eat it.

This way, they will eat healthy without too much physical effort.


It is safe to say that all people react to struggles differently. The best way to offer help is to be on the same page as they are.

Understand and respect their perspective and help them in whatever decisions they make. However, be sure to give advice and opinions whenever you think it is necessary.

Moreover, sometimes people cannot find a way out without professional help. It can be anything from a psychiatrist to a lawyer. Make sure you assist them in taking external aid. They will be able to assist your loved ones before things get out of hand.