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7 Telltale Signs You Need Drastic Lifestyle Changes

  Image Source   Life can be complicated, and you can easily lose yourself in its daily mayhem. More often than not, people even ignore ...


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Life can be complicated, and you can easily lose yourself in its daily mayhem. More often than not, people even ignore their health to continue working. If you don’t look after your mental or physical health, you can suffer from severe consequences. Your body notifies you when something is wrong in the form of clear signs like feeling demotivated, losing your sense of purpose, and more. So, you must listen to your body, analyze your life, and make changes where you can.

We can take the example of mesothelioma, a disease caused by asbestos exposure. Most mesothelioma patients don’t develop symptoms until years after the exposure. Moreover, it has common symptoms which make it hard to diagnose. Nonetheless, specific telltale signs can help identify whether something is wrong long before any physical symptoms develop.

Military personnel, construction workers, and other professionals who served in related industries in the late 20th century are more prone to developing this disease. That’s because they came in contact with asbestos without even realizing it. Once diagnosed, mesothelioma patients need to make drastic lifestyle changes to live a longer and healthier life. 

All telltale signs requiring a drastic lifestyle change do not point toward an underlying condition. It can be because of several reasons. Either way, it’s crucial to identify abnormal psychological and physical patterns and realign your lifestyle to lead a healthier and more meaningful life. In this article, we will discuss some telltale signs indicating that you need drastic lifestyle changes.

1.   Your energy is low

Experiencing low energy and lacking the zeal to carry out even the littlest tasks signifies that your body is battling some issues. Taking the above example of mesothelioma, several veterans with mesothelioma complain about fatigue and tiredness. If your energy is low, consider seeing a doctor. 

However, if all medical reports come out okay, you must change your lifestyle to regain energy. Consider the following tips: 

  • Go for walks
  • Eat a few healthy meals a day
  • Drink more fluids
  • Fix your sleep schedule, and so forth.

2.   You are experiencing weight fluctuations

Minor weight fluctuations are completely normal. Major weight loss or weight gain in a short period and without any reason can indicate something serious. It can be a health-related issue or the result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

When experiencing weight changes, consult a professional. After ruling out any health concerns, analyze your mental health. Stress and other mental illnesses can result in body weight changes. Overall, it is crucial to maintain a healthy weight to lead a fulfilling life. Therefore, assess your lifestyle and consider the following tips to maintain a healthy weight: 

  • Avoid processed food
  • Exercise (regularly for 20-25 minutes)
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid compulsive eating
  • Quit sugar, alcohol, and caffeine 

3.   Getting quality sleep is difficult

Getting quality sleep is crucial for optimal physical and mental well-being. If you notice a shift in your sleeping patterns and find it difficult to fall asleep at night, there’s probably an underlying issue that needs addressing. Ignoring the issue and living with low-quality sleeping habits can lead to severe mental, physical, and social consequences. 

Low quality sleep can be a sign that you need to adopt healthier sleeping habits, such as: 

  • Sleeping and waking up at the same time
  • Avoiding large meals before bed
  • Ensuring your bedroom is dark, not too hot or cold, and free of noise
  • Limiting daytime naps to only 30-40 minutes

4.   You feel stressed out

Feeling uneasy, restless, and stressed out all the time is not normal. If you constantly worry about one thing or another, it’s time to reassess your lifestyle. Stress can lead to detrimental effects on your mental and physical health.

One way to avoid or reduce stress is to categorize your worries. Work towards tackling the vexing issues and let go of the ones you have no control over. Stressing out about things will only aggravate the situation. So, assess the problems in your life and devise strategies or tactics to eliminate them.  

5.   You feel demotivated

Suppose you feel demotivated at work or are frustrated with your life. In that case, it can either be the deficiency of an essential mineral like zinc, iron, or magnesium or a mental health issue. Either way, feeling stuck all the time isn’t normal and requires you to take steps toward changing your life. 

Analyze your life and identify the factors or people that demotivate you. Try to set new goals and constantly check up on your progress. Surround yourself with positive people and consider getting the help of a mentor, ideally someone whose journey matches yours.  

6.   You have developed a compulsive behavior

Smoking, drinking, and other compulsive behaviors can provide an escape from reality and make you forget your problems for some time. However, reliance on compulsive habits is most often an indication of something serious. 

If you are unhappy or facing problems in life, don’t try to deal with those issues by depending on addictive substances. Develop healthy coping mechanisms like seeking therapy, talking to a trusted friend, exercising, and considering alternative therapies like aromatherapy and acupuncture.  

7.   You feel depressed

No one leads an ideal, perfect life. It has its ups and downs. However, if you feel down and depressed all the time, you should reconsider your life choices. Depression is your body’s way of telling you that you need to make drastic changes.

If you are diagnosed with depression, re-evaluate your life and start living differently. Take better care of your mental and physical health, change your life circumstances that contribute to your misery, and socialize with positive people.  



Life can be unpredictable. You can feel drained, demotivated, and unhappy even when everything is going alright. Nonetheless, lifestyle changes can alter your perspective and help you lead a healthier and more fulfilling life. 

Certain telltale signs can signify that your life needs significant changes. Some signs include feeling less energetic, relying on compulsive behaviors, demotivation, feeling stressed out all the time without a plausible reason, facing difficulty in falling asleep, and experiencing rapid weight fluctuations. A viable approach will be to consult with professionals if the issues persist even after you make lifestyle modifications.