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6 Tips to Avoid Bad Breath Problems

Bad breath is such an annoyance. It is a problem that you must have encountered at some point in your life. But you do not have to real...

Bad breath is such an annoyance. It is a problem that you must have encountered at some point in your life. But you do not have to really feel bad about that. Most people deal with this problem. The important thing that you need to do is to learn about it and solve the problem. 

What Causes Bad Breath?
There are different factors that cause bad breath. It can be from the food you have eaten. Onions, spicy foods, garlic and coffee are just a few of those that can cause this. Aside from the odor caused by these foods, there are other ways on how the food you have eaten can cause bad breath. Whenever you have a meal and food particles stay in the moth, this can also cause the odor. And worse, it can also cause tooth decays, loss and eventually require an implant by a reliable dentist

For smokers, it is good to know that tobacco can also cause bad breath. For people who are undergoing medication, bad breath can also be one of the side effects. This is something that you will hear during a dental checkup. There are also some natural causes that you cannot really avid. Whenever you fall asleep, you wake up with that morning breath. This is because of the lessened saliva activity in the mouth. 

Tips to Avoid Bad Breath 
Aside from a regular dental checkup, here is a list of tips that can help you avoid bad breath: 

    • Brush and Floss Often
The bacteria that are trapped in your mouth are caused by plaques and buildups. This is the reason why you always have to brush and floss regularly. Brushing three times a day is recommended. However, you should also check the manner on how you brush. It should not be too harsh because it may result in the wearing down of the teeth. This will then make the teeth more vulnerable. 

    • Stay Hydrated
Your mouth has a built-in cleaning system. The saliva works continuously to hydrate the mouth. This is one way to lessen the bacteria build-up. However, there are times when staying hydrated becomes a problem. With this, you have to ensure that you always drink water. Aside from that, there are also some natural beverages that can help you flush toxins. This includes fruit juices. 

    • Avoid Foods that Sour Your Breath
There are foods that you need to avoid as much as possible because they can sour your breath. The first spot of the list goes to onions and garlic. These foods contain bad smells that can go to your bloodstream. It can make its way to the lungs and that is why the smell can still manifest in your breath even after brushing. The best way to avoid problems caused by this type of food is to not eat them before meeting people or going out. 

    • Fennel Seeds
The good thing about fennel seed is its antibacterial property. This is one of the natural foods that can also act as a mouth freshener. There are different ways on how you can consume it. You can eat raw fennel seeds or you can also make a fennel tea. Either way, this can help you generate saliva. 

    • Homemade Mouthwash with Baking Soda

One of the remedies for bad breath that you can find in your kitchen is baking soda. There are researches that provided explanations on how baking soda can be helpful in dealing with this problem. It has been proven that its sodium bicarbonate can help eliminate bacteria. This is why toothpaste that contains this as an ingredient is more effective. For you to be able to make a mouthwash, all you need to do is to mix a cup of warm water and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Use it as a mouthwash for 30 seconds and you will certainly get a good result. 

  • Chew a Piece of Lemon or Orange Rind for Mouth-freshening
The refreshing flavor of lemon or orange can be good for your oral health. You can chew orange or lemon rind and you will see the difference. But you have to make sure that the rind is clean before you put it in your mouth. The citric acid content of the rind can help in fighting bad breath as it stimulates the production of saliva. There are also other natural remedies including basil, mint or parsley. These can also work as breath-freshening agents. 

Eating natural food will also help in the elimination of bad breath. Whenever you eat apples, you are also giving your teeth a natural neutralizer for your breath. It is an effective deodorizer for the mouth. Green tea is another home remedy. It contains disinfecting compounds that help in keeping the breath fresh. The effect of a cup of green tea is similar to the effect of mint. If you have eaten garlic, one of the best ways to kill the smell is to drink milk. On top of all this, it is very important to maintain your oral health. A regular visit to your dentist is recommended. This way, you will be able to get the specific advice you need to whatever condition you are experiencing.